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Arkhangelsk Branch News

Aids to Navigation in Onega Seaport Given to Arkhangelsk Branch

Based on a resolution issued by Russia’s Federal Agency for State Property Management Interregional Territorial Administration for St Petersburg and Leningrad Region aids to navigation in the seaport of Onega have been assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” on the basis of the right of economic management and placed under management to the Arkhangelsk Branch in accordance with an order of the FSUE “Rosmorport”.

Particularly, the Arkhangelsk Branch has received the Purluda marine light located on the similarly-named island in the White Sea’s Onega Bay. This marine light is designed for determining the site of a vessel at sea or orientating the vessel in respect of it within the limits of the stated range of visibility on the approaches toward the seaport of Onega.

The Arkhangelsk Branch has also received eight light beacons in the sea terminal of Solovki of the seaport of Onega:
- the front and rear marks of the Pesyeludsky leading line designed for marking the ax of vessel movement (198,2º - 18,2º) on going to the anchor station on the Solovki roadstead of the sea terminal;
- the front and rear marks of the Angarsky leading line designed for marking the ax of vessel movement (246,6º - 66,6º) on the fairway on going to the Harbor of Blagopoluchiye toward a berth of Tamarin of the sea terminal;
- the front and rear marks of the Voylochny leading line designed for marking the ax of vessel movement (306º - 126º) on the fairway on going to the Harbor of Blagopoluchiye toward a berth of Monastyrsky of the sea terminal;
- the front and rear marks of the Kremlevsky leading range designed for marking the ax of vessel movement (100,3º - 280,3º) on the fairway on going to the Harbor of Blagopoluchiye toward a berth of Monastyrsky of the sea terminal.

The marine light and leading beacons were earlier used by Russia’s Navy Hydrographic Service.