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Arkhangelsk Branch News

First LNG tanker in Sabetta seaport

Pilots of the Arkhangelsk Branch, Viktor Drachev and Gennady Sundiyev, successfully carried out pilotage of the Christophe de Margerie LNG tanker of PJSC “Sovkomflot” to the Sabetta seaport in ice conditions and mooring to Technological Terminal No 2 on March 28, 2017.

The length of the LNG tanker's pilotage route in ice conditions made up 6.9 nautical miles.

In order to ensure safe mooring of the LNG tanker by Moskva and Tor icebreakers FSUE “Rosmorport” prepared an ice channel for the LNG tanker's safe passage to Technological Terminal

No 2 in the seaport and provided aid with mooring of the vessel.

This is the first call of a vessel of this type at the Sabetta seaport. The vessel's length is 299 meters, the width is 50 meters, and draft is 11 meters.

The Christophe de Margerie LNG tanker entered the seaport in a testing mode to define the vessel's maneuvering possibilities in brash ice in Sabetta seaport closed water area.

Within a month the vessel will undergo sea and dock trials at the technological terminal in Sabetta seaport. It is also planned to carry out the vessel's rollover in ice conditions in the limited space of a turning basin in the seaport water area. In addition, handling and loading of liquefied gas aboard the vessel will be tested.