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Arkhangelsk Branch News

Changes of Harbour Dues Rates in the Seaport of Sabetta

The Arkhangelsk Branch informs that on the basis of the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order No. 387 dated 31.10.2012 and Articles of FSUE “Rosmorport”, in order to ensure trade navigation safety on approaches and in water area of the seaport of Sabetta, maintenance in proper technical condition, servicing, repair, reconstruction and new construction of aids to navigation and safety ensuring system facilities in the seaport of Sabetta, by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 557 dated 10.11.2016, changes were introduced to pilotage and lighthouse dues rates, and also navigation dues rates were approved in the seaport of Sabetta, which come into force from 00 hours 00 minutes on December 1, 2016.

Pilotage, lighthouse and navigation dues in the seaport of Sabetta, approved by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 557 dated 10.11.2016 are in force till proper establishing and introduction of the corresponding harbor dues rates in the seaport of Sabetta by the FAS of Russia.

More detailed information on new dues rates in the seaport of Sabetta can be found in section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Arkhangelsk Branch”.