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Environmental Protection

  I. Environmental protection during current economic activities
       1. Atmospheric air protection
       2. Water resources protection
       3. Land plots protection
       4. Wastes disposal
       5. Emergency liquidation
 II. Environmental protection during dredging works

III. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities
IV. Environmental protection expenses of the Arkhangelsk Branch
V. Prospects of environmental protection activities

     Main objectives of the Arkhangelsk Branch in the field of environmental protection are:

     - reduction of negative impact on the environment caused in the process of economic activities of the Branch;

     - observance of the environmental protection legislation and environment quality normatives;

     - production control over the environmental protection activities carried out by the Branch.

     The environmental protection activities of the Arkhangelsk Branch are carried out in accordance with the annual plan of environmental protection activities for the Branch, developed and approved in accordance with the Russian Federation Legislation.
     In order to ensure environmental activities, there is Labor and Environmental Protection Office in the Arkhangelsk Branch. Its employees deal with issues on organization of control over Branch’s observance of regulations and requirements of the environmental protection legislation of the Russian Federation, and implement activities on production ecological control during performance of the Branch’s statutory activities in the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar, Onega and Sabetta.

     The Arkhangelsk Branch employees engaged in those activities are specially trained in Environmental Protection and Rational Use of the Natural Resources, and have experience in this field of at least three years.

I. Environmental protection during current economic activities

     In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, objects that have a negative impact on the environment must be registered with the state in the federal state register.
     As of 01.01.2024, all 11 areal facilities that are operated by the Arkhangelsk Branch have been put on the state record in the federal state register of facilities. The facilities belong to categories III and IV of facilities that have low or minimal negative impact on the environment.
     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch takes the following environmental protection measures during current economic activities.

     1. Atmospheric air protection

     In order to carry out statutory activities, the Arkhangelsk Branch manages transport means and stationary objects, which are sources of pollution.
     All transport and stationary sources of pollution of the Arkhanglesk Branch are regularly maintained by certified specialists. Emission volumes are within the norms set for combustion engines and boiler equipment.
     In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection, at present, the branch has developed projects for maximum permissible emissions for all sources of emissions into the atmosphere.

Emissions of pollutants by the FSUE "Rosmorport" Arkhangelsk Branch

     2. Water resources protection 

     The Arkhangelsk Branch in its current activities uses surface water bodies for placing vessels at berths, carrying out dredging and construction works, as well as for discharging wastewater in the water areas of the seaports of Arkhangelsk and Onega.

     In accordance with the water legislation of the Russian Federation the Arkhangelsk Branch in the established order received:
       • water license of May 13, 2005 series ARKH No. 00412 license type BRTBV for usage of 6 water sections of the Northern Dvina River, water area of the White Sea basin and its channels Kuznechikha and Maimaksa with the size of 0.2 square kilometres for placement of vessels and berthing constructions, issued by the Dvinsko-Pechorsky Basin Water Department of Rosvodresursy, effective till May 1, 2025;
       • water license of March 21, 2006 series ARKH No. 00468 license tupe B2IBV for usage of 5 water sections of the Onega River and the Onega Bay of the White Sea with the total size of 4.1 square kilometres for vessels, berths, dredging, and soil dumps, issued by the Dvinsko-Pechorsky Basin Water Department of Rosvodresursy, effective till April 1, 2026.

      Besides, the Arkhangelsk Branch, in accordance with the established procedure, received decisions on granting of the water facility for use:
     - decision of 24.09.2018 No. 00- on the provision of a section of the water body of the Severnaya Dvina River for use for discharging wastewater from storm sewers located near the territory of berths No. 110, 111 of the Red pier in the seaport of Arkhangelsk, at a distance of 37 km from the mouth, issued by the Dvinsko-Pechorsky Basin Water Department of Rosvodresursy, valid until September 1, 2028;

     - solution of 14.08.2020 No. 00- on the provision of a section of a water body with an area of 0.853 sq. km located in the Sorokskaya Bay of the White Sea for dredging, explosive, drilling and other works related to changes in the bottom and shores of surface water bodies, issued by the Nevsko-Ladoga Basin Water Department of Rosvodresursy, in force until November 30, 2030.

     Every quarter of the year the branch submits reports on execution of the plan of water protection and water use activities to the Dvinsko-Pechorskoye Basin Water Department and the Nevsko-Ladoga Water Basin Department of Rosvodresursy. 


     Following the results of 2023, no cases of pollution of water bodies used by the Arkhangelsk Branch have been recorded.

     3. Land plots protection

     In order to prevent land pollution and littering the Arkhangelsk Branch:
       - regularly cleans territory from garbage;
       - keeps waste storage places in condition that meets the requirements of environmental legislation of the Russian Federation;
       - disposes waste from its territory, according to contracts agreed with specialized licensed organisations.
     As for the territories occupied by the leased facilities, the Arkhangelsk Branch sees that the lessees fulfill their duties on preventing pollution or littering of the used land plots. 
     4. Wastes disposal

     The Arkhangelsk Branch keeps records of volumes of waste produced by the Branch during its activities, maintains supervision over the temporary waste storage places and frequency of waste disposal or recycling.

     Most of the waste produced by the Arkhangelsk Branch is of 3, 4 and 5 classes of hazard. However, some types of waste are of 1 and 2 classes of hazard, such as mercury lamps, wasted and out-of-spec luminescent mercury pipes, chemical current sources manganese-zinc alkaline undamaged spent, lead accumulators used undamaged, with electrolyte, which make 1 % of overall waste produced by the branch.
     Corresponding contracts for waste use and neutralization have been concluded with license organizations for disposal of waste generated in the process of the current activities of the Arkhangelsk Branch.
     Waste of the 1 and 2 classes of hazard is transferred to the FSUE "Federal Ecological Operator" for neutralization and disposal, and construction waste, solid household waste are placed by specialized licensed organizations at the Arkhangelsk city landfill.


Dynamic of waste production by the FSUE "Rosmorport" Arkhangelsk Branch (in tons)

     5. Emergency liquidation

     The Arkhangelsk Branch elaborated, approved and agreed, according to the established procedure, a Plan on Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency Oil and Oil Products Leaks, in order to enable readiness, prompt reaction and organization of liquidation works in the Arkhangelsk branch responsibility coverage zone on its own, and also with the help of specialized emergency divisions on a contract basis.
     Trainings on liquidation of emergency oil and oil products leaks liquidation are occasionally conducted in order to make the branch ready to fight emergency leaks and to rehearse the actions of the employees.

II. Environmental protection during dredging works

     Arkhangelsk Seaport

     In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation, the Arkhangelsk Branch developed the project documentation "Environmental substantiation of dredging operations to restore the design dimensions of the water area and approach channels in the seaports of Arkhangelsk and Onega and the placement of the dredged bottom soil in underwater dumps". The design documentation has been approved in accordance with the established procedure with the competent state authorities and has a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise, approved by order of Rosprirodnadzor No. 836 of December 23, 2014.
     Within the framework of this project, the Arkhangelsk Branch annually carries out repair dredging works in the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk.
     At the end of 2023, the volume of dredging works performed by the Arkhangelsk Branch amounted to 0.8 million cubic meters of excavated soil.
     The disposal of this soil, dredged during the repair dredging works, is carried out by the Arkhangelsk Branch in underwater dumps No. 144A, No. 143A, located in Dvina Bay, the White Sea, on the basis of the permission of Rosprirodnadzor No. 32M of 06.04.2015 for burial of the bottom soil extracted during dredging in internal sea waters, valid until November 30, 2024.
     In 2024, the Arkhangelsk Branch plans to carry out repair dredging works in the amount of 1.2 million cubic meters of excavated soil.


     In order to compensate for damage to aquatic biological resources during repair dredging works in the water areas of the seaports of Arkhangelsk and Onega, the Branch, under an agreement with specialized fish-breeding enterprises of the Arkhangelsk Region and the Republic of Karelia, finances work on the cultivation of young brown trout and salmon, which is subsequently released into the rivers of the White Sea basin.
     In the period from 2011 to 2023, the Arkhangelsk Branch spent more than 24.8 million rubles on the reproduction of young brown trout and salmon, as a result of which 67.5 thousand fry were grown and released into the rivers Onega, Solza, Syuzma and Keret.
     In 2023, the Arkhangelsk spent more than 16 million rubles as part of compensatory measures for the artificial reproduction of water biological resources and release of 18.6 thousand juvenile Atlantic salmon in the Onega River.


     Onega Seaport

     In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation, the Arkhangelsk Branch developed the project documentation "Environmental substantiation of dredging operations to restore the design dimensions of the water area and approach channels in the seaports of Arkhangelsk and Onega and the placement of the dredged bottom soil in underwater dumps". The design documentation has been approved in accordance with the established procedure with the competent state authorities and has a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise, approved by order of Rosprirodnadzor No. 836 of December 23, 2014. Moreover, the Arkhangelsk Branch has developed the documentation "Project for the performing repair dredging works to restore the design dimensions of shipping facilities in the Belomorsk sea terminal for 2020-2030", which has been approved by the relevant control and supervisory authorities in accordance with the established procedure and has a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise, approved by order of Rosprirodnadzor No. 768 of July 3, 2020.
     In 2023, there were no repair dredging works in the water area of the seaport of Onega and the Belomorsk sea terminal of the seaport of Onega.
     Disposal of bottom soil extracted during repair dredging is carried out by the Arkhangelsk Branch in the underwater dump No. 141 A near the Raznavolok cape of the Soroksky bay of the White sea on the basis of the permission of Rosprirodnadzor No. 214M of August 20, 2020 for disposal of the soil extracted during repair dredging works in the sea waters of the Russian Federation, in force until November 30, 2024.
     In 2024, the Arkhangelsk Branch does not plan to carry out repair dredging works in the seaport of Onega.
     In the period from 2016 to 2023, the Arkhangelsk Branch spent 2.5 million rubles as part of compensatory measures for damage to water biological resources during dredging works in the water area of the seaport of Onega for releasing 4.6 thousand units of two-year-old Atlantic salmon into the Onega river of the White sea basin.
     In 2023, within compensation measures to eliminate damage caused to aquatic biological resources and their habitats during dredging in the water area of the Belomorsk sea terminal of the seaport of Onega in 2022, the Arkhangelsk Branch spent almost 1.5 million rubles to organize the release of almost 2 thousand juvenile Atlantic salmon into the Kem River.


III. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities


     One of the main activities of the Arkhangelsk Branch is implementation of federal investment programs, as well as capital investments of FSUE “Rosmorport”, aimed at development of federal facilities of port infrastructure and fleet in the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Mezen, Naryan-Mar and Onega.

     In this direction, the Arkhangelsk Branch implemented several investment projects within construction customer functions performance.

     Design documentation for all the projects was developed in strict compliance with normative and requirements of the Russian Federation Legislation in the field of environment protection. Public hearings were held in the established order and positive conclusions of the State Ecological and State Expertise Committees were received.


IV. Environmental protection expenses of the Arkhangelsk Branch

    Total expenses of the Arkhangelsk Branch on implementation of activities on the environment protection in 2023, including payments for negative impact on the environment amounted to 22 mln rub.

Environmental protection activities expenses of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch

     The almost three-fold increase in the Arkhangelsk Branch's expenses for environmental protection in 2023 is due to the implementation of measures in the amount of 20.5 million rubles to compensate for damage to aquatic biological resources during dredging works carried out by the branch in 2019, 2021 and 2022.

 V. Prospects of environmental protection activities

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch is planning to conduct further activities in the field of environmental protection, the main tasks being: 
     • decrease of negative influence on the environment; 
     • modernization of equipment used by the branch in order to increase ecological safety; 
     • energy saving and implementation of energy saving technologies; 
     • improving ecological management and production ecological supervision.