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Licences Certification Certificates Permits


Licence for transportation of dangerous cargo by inland water and marine transport
Licence for transportation of passengers and other persons by bus
License for Ionizing Radiation Sources (Generators) Usage (does not cover medical activities)
Licence for sea towage
Licence for Passenger Traffic by Inland Water Transport, Sea Transport
Licence for Collection, Transportation, Processing, Utilization, Neutralization and Disposal of Hazardous Waste of I–IV classes
Licence for Communication Services on Providing Broadcasting Channels
Licence for Local Telephone Communication Services, Excluding Local Telephone Communication Service with the Use of Coin-Box Telephone and Collective Access Equipment
Licence for Local Telephone Communication Services, with the Use of Collective Access Equipment
Licence for Providing Mobile Radio Services in the General Use Communication Network
Licence for Providing Telematic Communication Services
Licence for Providing Data Transfer Communication Services, Excluding Communication Services on Data Transfer for Voice Information Transmission Purposes

Licences for Water Usage >>

Licences for the use of subsurface resources >>


Licence for transportation of dangerous cargo by inland water and marine transport



Licence for transportation of passengers and other persons by bus



Licence for Ionizing Radiation Sources (Generators) Usage (does not cover medical activities)



Licence for sea towage


Licence for Passenger Traffic by Inland Water Transport, Sea Transport


Licence for Collection, Transportation, Processing, Utilization, Neutralization and Disposal of Hazardous Waste of I–IV classes



Licence for Communication Services on Providing Broadcasting Channels



Licence for Local Telephone Communication Services, Excluding Local Telephone Communication Service with the Use of Coin-Box Telephone and Collective Access Equipment


Licence for Local Telephone Communication Services, with the Use of Collective Access Equipment


Licence for Providing Mobile Radio Services in the General Use Communication Network


Licence for Providing Telematic Communication Services


Licence for Providing Data Transfer Communication Services, Excluding Communication Services on Data Transfer for Voice Information Transmission Purposes


Licences for Water Usage


Licence of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Arkhangelsk Branch for usage of water area of Northern Dvina river, Kuznechikha and Maymaksa canals for vessels and moorings


Licence of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Arkhangelsk Branch for usage of sea and river water areas for vessels, moorings, dredging works, piles



Licences for the use of subsurface resources


Licence of the FSUE "Rosmorport" for the use of subsurface resources for exploration and production of underground waters for drinking, domestic and technical water supply to the base of navigation equipment in the seaport of Kaliningrad



Licence of the FSUE «Rosmorport» Azov Basin Branch for the use of subsurface resources for the extraction of groundwater in Beglitsa village Neklinovsky district of Rostov region for extracting technical underwaters to provide for the industrial object



Licence of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azov Basin Branch for the use of subsurface resources at the Yuzhnotaganrogskiy 3 Area for extracting technical underwaters to provide for the industrial object



Licence of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Murmansk Branch for the geological research aimed at search and appraisal of subsoil water and its drawing for domestic use of the administrative building of the vessel traffic service

