Transportation Security

     Activities to ensure transport security of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles under the economic management of FSUE “Rosmorport” are conducted at the enterprise in accordance with the requirements of the Federal law No. 16-FZ dated February 9, 2007 “On Transport Security”, as well as other legislation and regulations.

     Register of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles, categorization of transport infrastructure facilities

     Currently, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on transport security, the categorization of vehicles has been abolished and a unified register of vehicles, categorized transport infrastructure facilities and transport infrastructure facilities that are not subject to categorization has been established for maintenance.

     Categorization of transport infrastructure facilities follows Article 6 of the Federal law “On Transport Security” and the Rules of categorization and establishment of the number of categories of transport infrastructure facilities approved by Russian Government Decree No. 1595 dated  October 3, 2020, and supposes the assignment of transport infrastructure facilities to certain categories taking into account the threat level of an act of unlawful interference and its possible consequences.

     By the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 358 dated September 7, 2020 “On the Procedure for Establishing Criteria for Categorizing Transport Infrastructure Facilities”, 4 categories applying to the transport infrastructure facilities in the field of maritime transport were established.

     As of July 1, 2024, in accordance with the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order No. 377 dated September 15, 2020 “On Approval of the Procedure for Keeping the Register of Transport Infrastructure Facilities and Vehicles”, the register includes 189 vehicles of the enterprise, 21 of which are icebreaker vessels used for piloting on sea routes and vessels subject to merchant shipping rules and vessel and port facility protection requirements established by international treaties of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - conventional vessels and icebreakers), as well as 35 transport infrastructure facilities, 25 of which are transport infrastructure facilities that are not subject to categorization.

     Out of 10 enterprise's transport infrastructure facilities subject to categorization, 2 transport infrastructure facilities are assigned to the 1st category, 2 transport infrastructure facilities are assigned to the 2nd category, 1 transport infrastructure facility is assigned to the 3rd category, and 5 transport infrastructure facilities are assigned to the 4th category.

     Vulnerability assessment, plans and passports ensuring transport security of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles

     Vulnerability assessment of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles is carried out to determine the degree of their protection from threats of acts of unlawful interference.

     Vulnerability assessment of a vessel subject to merchant shipping rules and vessel and port facility protection requirements established by international treaties of the Russian Federation is an assessment of the security of a vessel engaged in international voyages, and is conducted with regard to the requirements established by international treaties of the Russian Federation, the Federal law “On Transport Security”, as well as other corresponding regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

     Vulnerability assessment of a sea terminal includes an assessment of the security of the corresponding port facility and is carried out with regard to the requirements established by international treaties of the Russian Federation, the Federal law “On Transport Security”, as well as other corresponding regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

     Transport security plans are developed based on the results of the vulnerability assessment and define a system of measures to protect transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles from potential, immediate and direct threats of acts of unlawful interference. Transport security plans of sea terminals and vessels are security plans if developed in accordance with the requirements of international treaties of the Russian Federation and the requirements for transport security.

     The work on vulnerability assessment and development of transport security plans for transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles is carried out by the enterprise in accordance with Articles 5 and 9 of the Federal law “On Transport Security”, as well as the orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 370 dated November 1, 2021 “On the Procedure for the vulnerability assessment of transport infrastructure facilities, icebreaker vessels used for piloting on sea routes, vessels subject to merchant shipping rules and vessel and port facility protection requirements established by international treaties of the Russian Federation” and No. 225 dated July 2, 2021 “On Approval of the procedure for developing plans for ensuring transport security of transport infrastructure facilities and (or) icebreaker fleet vessels used for piloting on sea routes, vessels subject to merchant shipping rules and vessel and port facility protection requirements established by international treaties of the Russian Federation”.

     Passports ensuring transport security of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles comprise measures that FSUE “Rosmorport” implements in order to fulfill the requirements stipulated by the legislation on transport security.

     The development of a passport ensuring transport security is preceded by a survey, implemented by the enterprise, of the transport infrastructure facility and/or vehicle and a study of measures taken against the threats of acts of unlawful interference, considering the requirements for transport security. The results of the survey and the study are annexed to the passport ensuring transport security.

     For transport infrastructure facilities that are not subject to categorization, as well as vehicles, except for conventional vessels and icebreakers, FSUE “Rosmorport” develops and approves passports ensuring transport security by the standard forms established by the Russian Federation Government Decree No. 1637 dated October 8, 2020 “On Approval of requirements for ensuring transport security, considering the security levels for vehicles of sea and domestic water transport” and No. 1651 dated October 10, 2020 “On Approval of requirements for ensuring transport security, including requirements for anti-terrorism security of facilities (territories), considering the levels of security for transport infrastructure facilities of sea and river transport, not subject to categorization”.

     As of July 1, 2024, FSUE “Rosmorport” conducted work on vulnerability assessment and developing plans for transport security, as well as ensured their approval by Rosmorrechflot for 21 conventional vessels and icebreakers and 10 categorized transport infrastructure facilities, including through engagement of specialized (authorized) organizations in the field of transport security on a contractual basis.

     The enterprise developed in accordance with a set form, approved and taken into account by the competent authority in the field of transport security – Rosmorrechflot, passports ensuring transport security for 24 transport infrastructure facilities that are not subject to categorization, as well as 168 vehicles.

     Implementation of plans and passports ensuring transport security

     In order to implement the approved plans and passports ensuring transport security, FSUE “Rosmorport” in accordance with the regulatory legal acts in the field of transport security carried out work to equip the transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles of the enterprise with engineering and technical means of transport security. Equipping vehicles with critical elements access control tools is in its final stage.

     Certification of technical means of transport security of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the Russian Government Decree No. 969 dated September 26, 2016 “On Approval of the requirements for the functional properties of technical means ensuring transport security and the rules of mandatory certification of technical means ensuring transport security”.

     In accordance with the established procedure, the enterprise formed a transport security force of FSUE “Rosmorport” which includes personnel responsible for ensuring transport security at the transport infrastructure subject, as well as personnel responsible for ensuring transport security at transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles, including transport security units that directly ensure the transport security of the enterprise’s transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles.

     In accordance with parts 1 and 2 of Article 12.1 of the Federal law “On Transport Security” transport security forces undergo additional professional training programs in the field of training of transport security forces and certification in the corresponding categories.