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Quality of Enterprise Services

     In order to enhance quality of services rendered by FSUE “Rosmorport” in the seaports of Russia we offer the representatives of the enterprise's services consumers (shipowners, consignors, consignees, sea terminal operators, marine agents) to fill in the FSUE “Rosmorport” work satisfaction questionnaire.

     You must indicate in the questionnaire your email address, seaport name, where FSUE “Rosmorport” rendered relevant services for your organization, name of the organization you represent.    

     While filling in the questionnaire, you shall put a mark in relevant box on each criteria given in the list and related to the receipt of a certain service by your organization, as well as to indicate a significance of evaluation criteria in the relevant box.

     To put a chosen mark in the relevant box it is necessary to indicate number “1”.

     While filling in the column “Comments” you can indicate additional clarifications, comments or ask questions on which FSUE “Rosmorport” will provide clarifications and answers sending them to your email address indicated in the questionnaire.     

     After filling in the questionnaire it shall be sent to the following email address:


     Thank you for the participation in  questionnaire survey which will help us jointly to implement a set of necessary measures aimed at the improvement of quality and accessibility of services provided by FSUE “Rosmorport” in Russian seaports.