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General news

Construction and Reconstruction of Federal Property Items in Nikolskoye Settlement project completed

On October 12, 2017 FSUE “Rosmorport” received a positive conclusion of FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia” (Federal Autonomous Institution «Main Department of State Expertise») on the results of validity verification of the estimated cost for building a facility in Nikolskoye Settlement located on Bering Island (Komandorskie Islands), Kamchatka Territory. The positive conclusion received in July 2017 from FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia” on the results of engineering survey and the facility project documentation preceded this.

Project documentation has been worked out under the order of FSUE “Rosmorport”, LLC “Morstroytechnologia” (St Petersburg).

The project envisages building a cargo passenger pier and a building for security staff joined with a seasonal waiting hall for passengers. The need to construct the facility is conditioned by the unsatisfactory technical condition of the berth in Nikolskoye Settlement. The new pier is designed for transshipment of 15.000 tons of cargoes and providing services of up to 15.800 people per year and it will make it possible to accommodate local passenger and cruise vessels, as well as cargo vessels for delivering fast moving consumer goods, supplies, combustibles and lubricants, and construction materials to people of Nikolskoye Settlement and providing for activities of the Komadorsky state nature biosphere reserve.