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Investment Projects List

List of investment projects implemented with the participation of FSUE “Rosmorport”

     Arctic Sea Basin
     Baltic Sea Basin
     Azov-Black Sea Basin
     Caspian Sea Basin
     Far Eastern Sea Basin

Arctic Sea Basin


     Seaport of Murmansk


  • Reconstruction of seaport facilities in the first and second cargo area of the seaport
  •      Implementation terms: 2017 – 2024.

         Project capacity: 1.5 mln tons per year.

  • Construction of the Western transport and logistic hub for transit container transshipment
  •      Implementation terms: 2021 – 2026.

         Project capacity: 10 mln tons per year.

    Baltic Sea Basin


         Seaport of Vysotsk


  • Construction of a grain terminal

         Implementation terms: 2020 – 2025.

         Project capacity: 4 mln tons per year.


         Seaport of Ust-Luga


  • Construction of a mineral fertilizers transshipment terminal
  •      Implementation terms: 2017 – 2025.

         Project capacity: 7 mln tons per year.

  • Construction of a universal trading terminal
  •      Implementation terms: 2018 – 2025.

         Project capacity: 25.7 mln tons per year.

  • Construction of the port infrastructure facilities for mineral fertilizers transshipment
  •      Implementation terms: 2021 – 2030.

         Project capacity: 15 mln tons per year.


    Azov-Black Sea Basin


         Seaport of Novorossiysk


  • Construction of berths No. 22A and No. 23A of the 3A pier
  •      Implementation terms: 2020 – 2026.

         Project capacity: 9 mln tons per year.

  • Construction of a universal transshipment complex
  •      Implementation terms: 2023 – 2027.

         Project capacity: 12 mln tons per year.

  • Extension of berth No. 38 of the container terminal
  •      Implementation terms: 2016 – 2027.

         Project capacity: 4.1 mln tons per year.

  • Reconstruction of a grain terminal with construction of an additional truck reception, silos and a fourth ship-loading machine
  •      Implementation terms: 2016 – 2026.

         Project capacity: 4.7 mln tons per year.


         Seaport of Taman


  • Construction of ammonia and mineral fertilizers transshipment complex
  •      Implementation terms: 2022 – 2025.

         Project capacity: 5 mln tons per year.


         Seaport of Temryuk


  • Construction of an oil products transshipment terminal
  •      Implementation terms: 2020 – 2027.

         Project capacity: 2.4 mln tons per year.


         Seaport of Tuapse


  • Reconstruction of facilities: water area and turning circle in tha seaport water area, berth No. 9, berth No. 10
  •      Implementation terms: 2020 – 2025.

         Project capacity: 1.4 mln tons per year.


    Caspian Sea Basin


         Seaport of Makhachkala


  • Construction of a grain terminal
  •      Implementation terms: 2023 – 2028.

         Project capacity: 1.5 mln tons per year.


    Far Eastern Sea Basin


         Seaport of Vanino


  • Reconstruction of coastal structures of the road-railway ferry service “Vanino – Kholmsk”
  •      Implementation terms: 2022 – 2028.

         Project capacity: 1.1 mln tons per year.

  • Reconstruction and expansion of the coal terminal
  •      Implementation terms: 2022 – 2026.

         Project capacity: 7.2 mln tons per year.


         Seaport of Vladivostok


  • Construction of a new specialized port in Sukhodol Bay for easier access to port infrastructure for small and medium coal mining enterprises (Primorsky Territory)
  •      Implementation terms: 2015 – 2024.

         Project capacity: 7.5 mln tons per year.

  • Construction of the Eastern transport and logistics hub for transshipment of transit container cargo (Primorsky Territory)
  •      Implementation terms: 2023 – 2027.

         Project capacity: 17 mln tons per year.