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VTS Services

1. General information 
2. VTS coverage areas  
3. VTS services terms and conditions
4. Statistics 
5. Contacts 

     1. General information 

    The FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch provides navigation services to vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) calling at the seaports of Vanino, De-Kastri and Magadan and passing through their water areas in transit. The branch provides navigation services by using:

             a) the Vessel Traffic Management System in the Vanino seaport (Vanino VTS);

             b) the Vessel Traffic Management System in the De-Kastri seaport (De-Kastri VTS).

             c) the Vessel Traffic Management System in the Magadan seaport (Magadan VTS).

     Small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, located in the coverage area of Vanino VTS, De-Kastri VTS and Magadan VTS, can be provided with assistance in navigation only, upon their request and within technical limits of the VTS equipment.

     Vanino VTS includes:

     – the Vanino VTS Center;

     – the Vanino VTS Center Automated Wireless Observer Unit;

     – Severny Cape Automated Wireless Observer Unit;

     – Muchukei-Dua Cape Automated Wireless Observer Unit;

     – Kekurnaya Sopka Automated Wireless Observer Unit.

The Vanino VTS Center Automated Wireless Observer Unit Severny Cape Automated Wireless Observer Unit Muchukei-Dua Cape Automated Wireless Observer Unit Kekurnaya Sopka Automated Wireless Observer Unit


        De-Kastri VTS includes:

     – the De-Kastri VTS Center;

     – Davydov Cape Automated Wireless Observer Unit on which the AIS base station and A1 GMDSS two-way radio have been installed.

The De-Kastri VTS Center Davydov Cape Automated Wireless Observer Unit


        Magadan VTS includes:

     – the VTS Center (town of Magadan);

     – Wireless Observer Unit (the seaport of Magadan).

Wireless Observer Unit (the seaport of Magadan) Operator's working place at the VTS Center (Magadan)


     All VTS of the North-Eastern Basin Branch have been created to promote navigation safety, the effectiveness of navigation, life protection at sea, the protection of the marine environment and the coast protection pursuant to the requirements of international documents, namely the SOLAS-74 Convention and IMO Resolution А.1158(32) within the state navigation safety program.

     Comprehensive navigational services with the use of VTS of the North-Eastern Basin Branch are rendered to vessels making calls at the seaports of Vanino, De Kastri and Magadan. The services include:

     - providing navigational, operative and other information to vessels;

     - providing aid to marine navigation;

     -  organizing movement of vessels, 

     - regulating movement of vessels;

     - radar control over the movement of vessels.

     Based on the results of the survey conducted in accordance with the Regulations on Approval of Types of Equipment and Survey of Facilities and Centers, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia order No. 32 of February 10, 2010, the North-Eastern Basin Branch received certificates on the conformity of Vanino VTS, De-Kastri VTS and Magadan VTS with the requirements for radar vessel traffic control systems, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia order No. 226 of July 23, 2015

     - No VTS-3/1-3159-2019 of October 8, 2019 stating the conformity of Vanino VTS with requirements to a first-category VTS;

     - No VTS-3/1-3276-2022 of November 10, 2022 stating the conformity of De-Kastri VTS with requirements to a second-category VTS;

     - No. VTS-3/1-3241-2021 of December 27, 2021 on compliance of the Magadan VTS with requirements to a second-category VTS.

     The North-Eastern Basin Branch VTS functions 24 hours a day.

     Vanino VTS, De-Kastri VTS and Magadan VTS operators include 28 people who have undergone professional training and are qualified in compliance with the IALA V-103 recommendations.

     2. VTS coverage areas

     Vanino VTS area

Vanino VTS scheme

        The Vanino VTS area includes the Vanino Bay and the Tatar Strait area on the approaches towards the Vanino seaport restricted by the coastal line and:
       - from the North by 49º09,00´ N parallel (Toki Cape); 
       - from the East by 140º 30,00´Е meridian; 
       - from the South by 48º 58,10´N parallel (Krasny Partizan Cape),

     except for Sovetskaya Gavan bay.

     Guaranteed service and steady escort of vessels with the effective echoing area of 70 square meters and more are made in the Vanino seaport VTS area. Reliable VHF radio communication with vessels and radar control is provided. The working area of the AIS base station set on Kekurnaya Sopka fully covers the VTS area of the Vanino seaport and the city of Sovetskaya Gavan and has stable signal reception and transmission at the distance of 45 nautical miles.


     De-Kastri VTS area


De-Kastri VTS area scheme        Pursuant to the Compulsory Regulations in the De-Kastri Seaport approved by Order No. 75 dated March 22, 2012 of the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation, the De-Kastri seaport VTS coverage area includes the water area of the De-Kastri seaport and the Tatar Strait area on the approaches toward the De-Kastri seaport between the coastal line and an area, restricted by the lines:

     from the north – by the parallel 51° 30,0´N;

     from the east – by the meridian 140°58,0´ Е;

     from the south – by the parallel 51° 25,50´N.


     Guaranteed service and steady escort of vessels with the effective echoing area of 70 square meters and more are provided in the De-Kastri seaport VTS area, as well as reliable VHF radio communication with vessels and radar control.

     The Automated identification system operation area of the coastal station fully covers the De-Kastri seaport VTS area and has a stable reception and transmission of signals at a distance of 33 nautical miles.


     Magadan VTS area


Scheme of the Magadan seaport VTS area      Pursuant to the Compulsory Regulations in the Magadan Seaport approved by Order No. 160 dated May 05, 2015 of the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation, the Magadan seaport VTS coverage area is limited by a sea line and direct lines sequentially connecting the points with the coordinates:

     No. 1 59°32,5'N latitude 150°34,5'Е longtitude;

     No. 2 59°32,5'N latitude 150°17'Е longtitude;

     No. 3 59°26'N latitude 150°17'Е longtitude;

     No. 4 59°26'N latitude 150°30'Е longtitude;

     No. 5 59°29'N latitude 150°30'Е longtitude;


     Guaranteed service and steady escort of vessels with the effective echoing area of 100 square meters and more are provided in the Magadan seaport VTS area. Reliable VHF radio communication with vessels and radar control is provided. The Automated Identification system operation area of coastal stations fully covers the Magadan seaport VTS area.

     3. VTS services terms and conditions 


     Vanino VTS services terms and conditions 


     Navigation services with the use of the Vanino VTS area are provided by the North-Eastern Basin Branch for vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) in accordance with the requirements of Resolution IMO А.1158(32), the General Rules for the Navigation and Mooring of Vessels in the Seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches toward them that have been approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order No 395 of November 12, 2021 and the Compulsory Regulations in the Vanino Seaport that have been approved by Order No 431 of December 13, 2012, issued by the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

     For small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, Vanino VTS provides assistance in navigation upon their request within its technical limits.

    All ships and vessels equipped with radio communication means of the Mobile Marine Service irrespective of their departmental subordination and the forms of ownership in the Vanino seaport VTS area should abide by the rules for the navigation of vessels in the Vanino VTS area.

     A regulatory approval system of vessel movement is effective in the Vanino VTS coverage area. Vessels can enter or leave the coverage area, approach to the pilot’s reception point or start moving in the Vanino VTS coverage area only upon receipt of a Vanino VTS operator’s permit.

     Captains of vessels, proceeding to the seaport of Vanino, should establish contact with Vanino VTS on VHF Channel 14, receive confirmation about recognition and report about:

     - type, name of the vessel; 

     - country of the ship's flag;      

     - port of destination; 

     - maximum draft and air draught of the vessel; 

     - type and amount of cargo, information about hazard cargo; 

     - presence of technical faults and other limitations which influence navigation safety,

     and receive permission to enter/leave the Vanino VTS coverage area.

     Vanino VTS is entitled to ask a vessel for additional data and information in accordance with the General Rules for Vessel Navigation and Mooring in Russia’s Seaports and on the Approaches Toward Them.


Vanino VTS operators

     When an identified vessel enters the Vanino VTS coverage area, Vanino VTS indicates to it the recommended route, the procedure for passing fairways and their crossings, anchorage, informs the vessel about the place where the pilot is accepted, and about the situation on the route, and transmits other information.

     A vessel located in the Vanino VTS coverage area, should inform the Vanino VTS duty operator about the detection of marine environment pollution, inconsistencies in the operation or location of aids to navigation, facilities or phenomena that pose a danger or impede navigation.

     After receiving information from the vessel that the mooring has started, Vanino VTS stops monitoring the vessel’s traffic.


     Navigation, immediate and other information is transferred to vessels by Vanino VTS at the request of a vessel or by order of a captain of the Vanino seaport when the navigation situation changes upon storm warning that can affect navigation safety in the Vanino VTS area. The transmission of hydro meteorological and navigation information to vessels staying in the Vanino VTS area is made by Vanino VTS on VHF working channel 14.


     Aid to marine navigation (navigation support) is rendered to a vessel at the request of a vessel or by the Vanino VTS operator's decision primarily in the difficult hydro meteorological conditions due to the incapacitation or the absence of navigational devices aboard a vessel that ensure navigation safety in this navigational situation. When assisting in navigation, Vanino VTS regularly transmits to the vessel information:

     - about the position of the vessel against the navigation landmark, fairway and waypoints;

     - about navigational dangers near the vessel and on its route;

     - about the position and movement of other vessels, as well as recommendations for the further movement of the vessel.

     The errors of automatic target tracking when providing navigational assistance by Vanino VTS are the following:

     - distance – 18 m;
     - bearing - 0,4º;
     - velocity – 0,8 knots;
     - course - 1,5º.

     The procedure for providing assistance in navigation, including the communications interval, is agreed by Vanino VTS and the vessel using communication means. The vessel is notified by Vanino VTS about the start and end of assistance in navigation, confirms the receipt of information and recommendations from Vanino VTS and informs Vanino VTS about the actions being taken.

     The way to control the vessel while following the recommendations and instructions of Vanino VTS is chosen by the captain of the vessel. If the captain finds it impossible to comply with Vanino VTS instructions, he must report to the operator of Vanino VTS using the means of communication and inform him about his further actions and intentions.

     The vessel traffic in the Vanino VTS coverage area is organized considering the specifics of the seaport of Vanino on the basis of the daily schedule for the placement and movement of vessels in the seaport and includes:

     - issuing permits for the movement of vessels and the placement of vessels in the Vanino VTS coverage area;

     - planning vessel traffic;

     - using mandatory vessel reports on the beginning, end of movement and passage of regulated waypoints;

     - using routes and priority directions for vessel traffic;

     - using one-way vessel traffic along the fairways;

     - establishing vessel speed and traffic intervals.


     Vessel traffic is regulated by Vanino VTS by issuing binding instructions to vessels regarding:

     - sequence and time of the beginning of movement;

     - route, interval and speed;

     - the procedure for the passage of fairways and their crossings by vessels;

     - ban on further movement;

     - location of anchorages and shelters.

     A vessel that has anchored, started or completed mooring to a berth in the seaport of Vanino, started moving after unmooring or leaving the berth, should inform Vanino VTS about it.

     Permission to move when unmooring or leaving the berth should be requested by the vessel from Vanino VTS at least 30 minutes before the start of movement.

     If the vessel hasn't started the permitted movement within 30 minutes from the moment of communication with the Vanino VTS operator, the permission is cancelled and should be requested again. 


     Radiotelephone contacts over the range of VHF of the Mobile Maritime Service is the major means of interaction between Vanino VTS and vessels in the Vanino seaport.

     Vanino VTS maintains permanent radio watch on VHF Channels 14 and 16. VHF Channel 14 is the working channel of Vanino VTS. VHF Channels 11, 20 and 68 are reserve channels. “Vanino-Traffic” is the call of Vanino VTS.

     Vessels staying in the Vanino VTS area should maintain permanent radio watch on VHF Channels 14 and 16.

     A vessel leaving Vanino VTS coverage area must inform Vanino VTS and request permission to end the radio watch on VHF working channel 14, call sign “Vanino-Traffic”.


VHF channels and radiotelephone calls of subscribers to ensure navigation safety in the Vanino VTS coverage area

Service Name

Very high frequency radio channels

Call sign


Stand-by channel

Working channel

Vanino VTS of the

FSUE “Rosmorport” 

North-Eastern Basin Branch

14, 16

14, 11, 20, 68


+7 (42137) 762-21

Port State Control Inspection

of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Sea of Okhotsk and Tatar Strait Marine Port Authority”




+7 (42137) 767-83


     Radio talks, which are unrelated to ensuring navigation safety are forbidden on VHF Channels 13, 14, 71 and 73.

     Critical information is transmitted on VHF Channel 16 by a duty inspector of Port State Control of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Sea of Okhotsk and Tatar Strait Marine Port Authority”.


     Radio talks between a VTS operator of the seaport of Vanino and vessels should be held pursuant to the Radio Regulations of the Marine Mobile Service and the Marine Mobile Satellite Service of the Russian Federation. The format of messages should correspond to IMO Resolution A.851(20) “General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements”. The English language in terms of Standard Marine Communication Phrases is used to hold radio talks with crew members of foreign vessels.


     Navigation dues (VTS) are levied for navigation services rendered by the North-Eastern Basin Branch with the use of Vanino VTS from vessels making calls at the seaport of Vanino and vessels transiting through its water area. Information on the rates of navigation dues (VTS) and the procedure for levying them can be found in the section “The North-Eastern Basin Branch Harbour Dues and Tariffs”.


     De-Kastri VTS services terms and conditions 


     Navigation services with the use of the De-Kastri VTS are provided by the North-Eastern Basin Branch for vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) in accordance with the requirements of Resolution IMO А.1158(32), the General Rules for the Navigation and Mooring of Vessels in the Seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches toward them that have been approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order No 395 of November 12, 2021 and the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of De-Kastri, approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russsia Order No 75 of March 22, 2012.

     For small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, De-Kastri VTS provides assistance in navigation upon their request within its technical limits.

     All ships and vessels in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area, regardless their departmental subordination and the forms of ownership, should abide by the rules for the navigation of vessels in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area.

     A regulatory approval system of vessel movement is effective in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area. Vessels can enter or leave the coverage area, approach to the pilot’s reception point or start moving in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area only upon receipt of a De-Kastri VTS operator’s permit.

     The vessel informs the captain of the seaport about the upcoming entering the water area of ​​the seaport of De-Kastri on VHF Communication Channel 16 (call sign “De-Kastri-5”) and the De-Kastri VTS duty operator (call sign “De-Kastri-Traffic”) two hours before crossing the border of the seaport water area.

     On crossing the De-Kastri VTS coverage area, captains of vessels, proceeding to the seaport of De-Kastri, should establish contact with the De-Kastri VTS on VHF Channel 11, receive confirmation about recognition and report about:

     - type, name of the vessel; 

     - country of the ship's flag;      

     - port of destination; 

     - maximum draft and air draught of the vessel; 

     - type and amount of cargo, information about hazard cargo; 

     - presence of technical faults and other limitations which influence navigation safety,

     and receive permission to enter/leave the De-Kastri VTS coverage area.

     De-Kastri VTS is entitled to ask a vessel for additional data and information in accordance with the General Rules for Vessel Navigation and Mooring in Russia’s Seaports and on the Approaches Toward Them.

De-Kastri VTS operators      When an identified vessel enters the De-Kastri VTS coverage area, De-Kastri VTS indicates to it the recommended route, the procedure for passing fairways and their crossings, anchorage, informs the vessel about the place where the pilot is accepted, and about the situation on the route, and transmits other information.

     A vessel located in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area, should inform De-Kastri VTS about the detection of marine environment pollution, inconsistencies in the operation or location of aids to navigation, facilities or phenomena that pose a danger or impede navigation.

     After receiving information from the vessel that the mooring has started, De-Kastri VTS stops monitoring the vessel’s traffic.

     Transmission of navigational, current and other information to vessels is carried out by De-Kastri VTS under request of the vessel or by order of the captain of the seaport of De-Kastri, when there are or are planned some changes in navigational situation, upon receipt of a storm warning, which can influence the navigation safety in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area.

     De-Kastri VTS provides assistance in navigation at the request of the vessel or by its own decision in difficult hydrometeorological conditions in case of absence or failure of technical means on board to ensure the safe movement of the vessel. When assisting in navigation, De-Kastri VTS regularly transmits to the vessel information:

     - about the position of the vessel against the navigation landmark, fairway and waypoints;

     - about navigational dangers near the vessel and on its route;

     - about the position and movement of other vessels, as well as recommendations for the further movement of the vessel.

     While rendering navigational assistance De-Kastri VTS provides radio autotracking of targets with an error of no more than:
     - 19.6 meters by distance;

     - 0.65 degrees by bearing;

     - 0.74 knots by speed;

     - 1.97 degrees by course.

     The procedure for providing assistance in navigation, including the communications interval, is agreed by De-Kastri VTS and the vessel using communication means. The vessel is notified by De-Kastri VTS about the start and end of assistance in navigation, confirms the receipt of information and recommendations from De-Kastri VTS and informs De-Kastri VTS about the actions being taken.

     The way to control the vessel while following the recommendations and instructions of De-Kastri VTS is chosen by the captain of the vessel. If the captain finds it impossible to comply with De-Kastri VTS instructions, he must report to the operator of De-Kastri VTS using the means of communication and inform him about his further actions and intentions.

     The vessel traffic in the coverage area of De-Kastri VTS is organized considering the specifics of the seaport of De-Kastri on the basis of the daily schedule for the placement and movement of vessels in the seaport and includes:

     - issuing permits for the movement of vessels and the placement of vessels in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area;

     - planning vessel traffic;

     - using mandatory vessel reports on the beginning, end of movement and passage of regulated waypoints;

     - using routes and priority directions for vessel traffic;

     - using one-way vessel traffic along the fairways;

     - establishing vessel speed and traffic intervals.

     Vessel traffic is regulated by De-Kastri VTS by issuing binding instructions to vessels regarding:

     - sequence and time of the beginning of movement;

     - route, interval and speed;

     - the procedure for the passage of fairways and their crossings by vessels;

     - ban on further movement;

     - location of anchorages and shelters.

     A vessel that has anchored, started or completed mooring to a berth in the seaport of De-Kastri, started moving after unmooring or leaving the berth, should inform De-Kastri VTS about it.

     Permission to move when unmooring or leaving the berth should be requested by the vessel from De-Kastri VTS no less than 30 minutes before the start of movement.

     The permission is canceled and should be requested again if the vessel does not start the permitted actions within 30 minutes from the moment of communication with the De-Kastri VTS operator.


     Radio talks over the range of VHF of the Mobile Maritime Service is the major means of interaction between De-Kastri VTS and vessels it serves.

     Vessels staying in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area should maintain permanent radio watch on VHF working channel 11 and stand-by channel 16 (call sign “De-Kastri-Traffic”).

     A vessel leaving the De-Kastri VTS coverage area should inform De-Kastri VTS and request permission to end the radio watch on VHF working channel 11, call sign “De-Kastri-Traffic”.


VHF channels and radiotelephone calls of subscribers to ensure navigation safety in the De-Kastri VTS coverage area

Service Name

Very high frequency radio channels

Call sign


Stand-by channel

Working channel

De-Kastri VTS of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch


11, 68


+7 (42151) 56-114

Port State Control Inspection Federal State Budgetary Institution “Sea of Okhotsk and Tatar Strait Marine Port Authority”




+7 (42151) 56-933


     Leaving the communication is allowed only by the De-Kastri VTS operator after the end of movement (anchoring or mooring) or when leaving the De-Kastri VTS coverage area.

     Radio talks not related to the safety of navigation and the regulation of traffic on the above mentioned channels are prohibited. 

     The communication between De-Kastri VTS and vessels is carried out in accordance with the Radio Regulations of the Marine Mobile Service and the Marine Mobile Satellite Service of the Russian Federation, approved by Ministry of Transport of Russia Order No. 137 of 04.11.2000. The English language in terms of “IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases”, approved by Resolution A.918 (22), is used For radiotelephone communication with vessel. Messaging from vessels to De-Kastri as far as possible should correspond with the IMO Resolution A.851(20) “General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements”.


     Navigation dues (VTS) are levied for navigation services rendered by the North-Eastern Basin Branch with the use of De-Kastri VTS from vessels making calls at the seaport of De-Kastri and vessels transiting through its water area. Information on the rates of navigation dues and the procedure for levying hem can be found in section “Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch”.

     Magadan VTS services terms and conditions 


     Navigation services with the use of Magadan VTS are provided to vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) by the North-Eastern Basin Branch in accordance with the requirements of Resolution IMO А.1158(32), the General Rules for the Navigation and Mooring of Vessels in the Seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches toward them that have been approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation Order dated 12.11.2021 № 395 and the Binding Resolutions in the Magadan Seaport that have been approved by Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation Order dated 05.05.2015 № 160.

     For small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, Magadan VTS provides assistance in navigation upon their request within its technical limits. 

     All ships and vessels equipped with radio communications of the Mobile Marine Service irrespective of their departmental subordination and the forms of ownership in the Magadan VTS area should abide by the rules for the navigation of vessels in the Magadan VTS area.

     A regulatory approval system of vessel movement is effective in the Magadan VTS coverage area. Vessels can enter or leave the coverage area, approach to the pilot’s reception point or start moving in the Magadan VTS coverage area only upon receipt of a Magadan VTS operator’s permit.

     Captains of vessels, proceeding to the seaport of Magadan, should establish contact with Magadan VTS on VHF Channel 67 (call sign “Magadan-Traffic”) when entering the Magadan VTS coverage area, receive confirmation about recognition and report about:

     - type, name of the vessel; 

     - country of the ship's flag;      

     - port of destination; 

     - maximum draft and air draught of the vessel; 

     - type and amount of cargo, information about hazard cargo; 

     - presence of technical faults and other limitations which influence navigation safety,

     and receive permission to enter/leave the Magadan VTS area.

     Magadan VTS is entitled to ask a vessel for additional data and information in accordance with the General Rules for Vessel Navigation and Mooring in Russia’s Seaports and on the Approaches Toward Them.

     Vessels moving to the Nagaev Bay make radio contact with Magadan VTS when entering the Magadan VTS area till crossing the line connecting Cape Chirikov and Cape Ostrovnoy and maintain permanent radio watch on VHF Channels 16 and 67. Besides, vessels located within the Magadan VTS coverage area should inform Magadan VTS about the detection of marine environment pollution, inconsistencies in the operation or location of aids to navigation, facilities or phenomena that pose a danger or impede navigation.

     When an identified vessel enters the Magadan VTS coverage area, Magadan VTS indicates to it the recommended route, anchorage, informs the vessel about the place where the pilot is accepted, and about the situation on the route, and transmits other information.

     After receiving information from the vessel that the mooring has started, Magadan VTS stops monitoring the vessel’s traffic.

     Navigation, immediate and other information is transferred to vessels by Magadan VTS at the request of a vessel or by order of a captain of the Magadan seaport when the navigation situation changes upon storm warning that can affect navigation safety in the Magadan VTS area.

     Magadan VTS provides assistance in navigation at the request of the vessel or by its own decision in difficult hydrometeorological conditions in case of absence or failure of technical means on board to ensure the safe movement of the vessel. When assisting in navigation, Magadan VTS regularly transmits to the vessel information:

     • about the position of the vessel against the navigation landmark, fairway and waypoints;

     • about navigational dangers near the vessel and on its route;

     • about the position and movement of other vessels, as well as recommendations for the further movement of the vessel.

     By providing support for marine navigation of the Magadan VTS automatic target following errors make up to:
     • 0.5 degrees by bearing,
     • 21.5 meters by distance,
     • 0.92 degrees by course,
     • 0.28 knots by speed.

     The procedure for providing assistance in navigation, including the communications interval, is agreed by Magadan VTS and the vessel using communication means. The vessel is notified by Magadan VTS about the start and end of assistance in navigation, confirms the receipt of information and recommendations from Magadan VTS and informs Magadan VTS about the actions being taken.

     The way to control the vessel while following the recommendations and instructions of Magadan VTS is chosen by the captain of the vessel. If the captain finds it impossible to comply with Magadan VTS instructions, he must report to the operator of Magadan VTS using the means of communication and inform him about his further actions and intentions.

     The vessel traffic in the Magadan VTS coverage area is organized considering the specifics of the seaport of Magadan on the basis of the daily schedule for the placement and movement of vessels in the seaport and includes:

     - issuing permits for the movement of vessels and the placement of vessels in the Magadan VTS coverage area;

     - planning vessel traffic;

     - using mandatory vessel reports on the beginning, end of movement and passage of regulated waypoints;

     - using routes and priority directions for vessel traffic;

     - establishing vessel speed and traffic intervals.

     Daily schedules for the movement and placement of vessels in the seaport of Magadan are approved by the captain of the seaport based on information on vessel’s call, given to the captain of the seaport of Magadan, and are published in Internet:

     Vessel traffic is regulated by Magadan VTS by issuing binding instructions to vessels regarding:

     – movement sequence and the time of beginning movement;

     – the route, the interval and the speed of movement of the seaport of Magadan;

     – a ban on further movement;

     – anchor grounds and shelters;

     A vessel that has anchored, started or completed mooring to a berth in the seaport of Magadan, started moving after unmooring or leaving the berth, should inform Magadan VTS about it.

     Permission to move when unmooring or leaving the berth should be requested by the vessel from Magadan VTS no less than 5 minutes before the start of movement.

     If the vessel hasn't started the permitted movement within 5 minutes from the moment of communication with the Magadan VTS operator, the permission is annulled and should be requested again. 

     Contact with Magadan VTS is maintained round-the-clock on VHF Channel 67, call sign “Magadan-traffic”.

     Vessels staying in the Magadan VTS area should maintain permanent radio watch on VHF Channels 16 and 67.

     A vessel leaving Magadan VTS coverage area must inform Magadan VTS and request permission to end the radio watch on VHF working channel 67, call sign “Magadan-traffic”.


     VHF channels and radiotelephone calls of subscribers to ensure navigation safety in the Magadan VTS coverage area:


Very high frequency radio channels



Stand-by channel

Working channel

Magadan VTS of  

the FSUE “Rosmorport”

North-Eastern Basin Branch




+7 (4132) 60-73-75

+7 (4132) 69-21-69

Port State Control Inspectionof the

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Sea of Okhotsk and Tatar Strait Marine Port Authority” Branch in the seaport of Magadan




+7 (4132) 69-23-37


     Radio talks, which are unrelated to ensuring navigation safety are forbidden on VHF Channels 9, 64, 67 and 69 in the Magadan seaport.

     Radio talks on VHF Channel 16, besides a subscriber call to transmit to the working channel, are forbidden.

    Magadan VTS and vessels maintain contact in compliance with the Radio Rules of the Russian Mobile Maritime Service and the Mobile Satellite Maritime Service that have been approved by Order No 137 of 04.11.2000 issued by the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation. The English language is used to maintain radio contacts with vessels by using “IMO Standard Phrases for Maritime Radio Communication” that have been approved by Resolution A.918(22). Communication from vessels of Magadan VTS and the format of messages should possibly correspond to Resolution IMO A.851(20) “General Principles of Ship Reporting System and Requirements to Ship Messages”.

     Navigation (VTS) dues are levied from vessels calling at the seaport of Magadan for services rendered with the use of Magadan VTS. Information about navigation dues in the seaport of Magadan and their collection can be found in subsection “Harbour Dues and Tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch”.


     4. Statistics

     Information on the number of vessels in the Vanino VTS area

Year Overall amount
of vessels
in the Vanino VTS area
Including vessels
that entered/left
the seaport
of Vanino 
Including vessels
that passed through
the seaport
of Vanino en route
2007–2019 ⇲
2007 5,270 5,270
2008 5,072 5,072
2009 4,540 4,540
2010 4,552 4,552
2011 4,390 4,390
2012 4,101 4,101
2013 3,489 3,489
2014 3,486 3,486
2015 3,778 3,778
2016 3,978 3,978
2017 4,316 3,506
2018 4,547 3,577
2019 12,059 3,701
2020 24,762

2021 22,957 3,205 1,201
2022 20,175 3,475 1,252

     Information on the number of vessels in the De-Kastri VTS area
Year Overall amount
of vessels
in the De-Kastri VTS area
Including vessels
that entered/left
the seaport
of De-Kastri
Including vessels
that passed through
the seaport
of De-Kastri en route
2017–2019 ⇲
2017 320 320
2018 497 470 27
2019 2,991 446 22
2020 5,177
2021 5,146 472 12
2022 3,559 269 12

     Information on the number of vessels in the Magadan VTS area

Year Overall amount of vessels in the Magadan VTS area Including vessels entering/leaving the Magadan seaport

Including vessels
that passed through
the seaport
of Magadan en route

2009–2019 ⇲












2013 3,664 810
2014 2,787 722
2015 2,397 545
2016 2,737 627




2018 1,819 570
2019 1,969 590 32
2020 2,253 590 32
2021 2,097 548 21
2022 2,452 558 16


     5. Contacts 

     Any additional reference information about the procedure of VTS services provided by the North-Eastern Basin Branch can be received:
     Vanino VTS
     By telephone (around-the-clock):
         +7 (42137) 766-90 (extension 2-34); 
         +7 (42137) 774-90 (extension 2-34); 
         +7 (42137) 762-21, 
         or by sending a request by fax: +7 (42137) 766-90 or e-mail:  

     De-Kastri VTS
     By telephone (around-the-clock):
         +7 (42151) 561-14,
         or by sending a request by fax: +7 (42151) 561-14 or e-mail:  

     Magadan VTS
     By telephone (around-the-clock):
         +7 (4132) 69-21-69;
         +7 (4132) 60-73-75,
         or by sending a request by fax: +7 (4132) 60-73-75 or e-mail: