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Geodesic and Hydrographic Services

1. General Information

2. Terms and conditions of hydrographic services

3. Statistics

4. Contacts

     1. General Information

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch on a contract basis carries out hydrographic operations in the waters of Vanino, De-Kastri, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Okhotsk and Sovetskaya Gavan seaports.

     In particular, the North-Eastern Basin Branch performs:

     - detailed bottom measuring survey;

     - detailed bottom relief aerial survey.

     The detailed survey materials can be used for correcting of nautical charts, guidelines and instructions for navigation, as well as for dredging planning.

     To carry out these works, the North-Eastern Basin Branch has highly-qualified personnel with experience in hydrography, and also necessary equipment and technical means.

     The North-Eastern Basin Branch has at its disposal:

     - working boat Anatoly Klimov equipped with an automated hydrographic survey complex, based on:

     a) TELEDYNE Odom МВ2 multi-beam echo sounder;

     b) SKAT 50M one-beam echo sounder;

     c) INS POS MV SurfMaster (MVAP18C) insertional navigation system;

     - E-Survey 300 Pro coastal base station that allows to get planned coordinates and heights of terrain points with centimeter accuracy and transmit corrections from the base station to the user's receiving equipment during survey;

     - Valeport TideMaster mobile automatic level station to collect information about sea level fluctuations and calculate corrections during surveying work;

     - Valeport Swift SVP profiler 50 bar portable device to measure sound velocity vertical profile in water.

     Data is processed by HYPACK MAX+HYSWEEP, HYPACK OFFIS+HYSWEEP OFFIS, NanoCAD program software.


Working boat Anatoly Klimov Device to measure sound velocity in water Coastal base station Multi-beam echo sounder Mobile mariner

     2. Terms and conditions of hydrographic services

     To order corresponding works in the waters of Vanino, De-Kastri, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Okhotsk and Sovetskaya Gavan seaports, the client shall send a written application to the North-Eastern Basin Branch by fax: +7 (42137) 766-90 or e-mail: The application will be reviewed within 10 days, and a written answer will be sent to the client stating the technical possibility, term and cost of the requested works. If the client’s answer is positive, a draft standard contract is sent to the client for signing. The signed contract shall be sent back to the North-Eastern Basin Branch by special messenger or at the address: Zheleznodorozhnaya territory, 70, building A, inter-settlement area of the Vaninsky municipal district, Vaninsky municipal district, Khabarovsk Territory, 682860.

     The works are carried out by the North-Eastern Basin Branch in accordance with the terms of a technical project, which is an integral part of the contract, in the manner and terms established by the contract.

     Information on the costs of the hydrographic services rendered by the North-Eastern Basin Branch is given in the section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the North-Eastern Basin Branch”.

     3. Statistics


     Information on the performed surveying works in the seaports of Vanino, De-Kastri, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Okhotsk and Sovetskaya Gavan



2023 321.2
2022 243.3
2021 45


2022 94.5


2022 26


2023 15.5
2022 100


2022 10.9

     4. Contacts

     Additional information on the procedure of provision by the North-Eastern Basin Branch of hydrographic services in the water area of the seaports of Vanino, De-Kastri, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Okhotsk and Sovetskaya Gavan can be obtained by phone (Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00, Khabarovsk time, lunch break from 12:30 to 13:45):

     +7 (42137) 766-90, extension 178 or 278,

     or by sending a request by fax: +7 (42137) 766-90, or e-mail: or