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Ecological Services

     1. General provisions

     2. Procedure for ecological services provision

     3. Statistical information
     4. Contact information

     1. General provisions


     The FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch renders in the seaports Big Port of Saint Petersburg and Ust-Luga the following ecological services:


     The seaport Big Port of Saint Petersburg
     - collection, transportation and neutralization and/or disposal of shipboard wastes in accordance with the requirements of MARPOL 73/78, without limitations (except for ballast water, waste related to cargo, waste related to cargo and fuel tank stripping), during all the time of vessel stay in the seaport Big Port of Saint Petersburg with involvement of specialized organizations OOO “KONTUR SPB”, OOO “Ecological fleet” and OOO “IVOLGA”.


     The seaport of Ust-Luga

     - collection, transportation and neutralization and/or disposal of all-type shipboard wastes in accordance with the requirements of MARPOL 73/78, without limitations (except for ballast water, waste related to cargo, waste related to cargo and fuel tank stripping), during all the time of vessel stay in the seaport of Ust-Luga.


     The North-Western Basin Branch activity in the field of waste neutralization and/or disposal in the seaport of Ust-Luga is carried out in accordance with license for implementation of activities on collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of I-IV hazard class waste No. 077216 of 19.04.2016, issued by the Rospotrebnadzor Department in the Central Federal District.
     In order to observe the requirements of the Russian Federation Environmental Legislation, Order No. 745 of 22.07.2022 of the North-Western Basin Branch  approves technical regulations for handling hazardous waste when carrying out activity on collection, transportation, neutralization and disposal of III-IV hazard classes waste from vessels located in  the water area of the seaport of Ust-Luga, appoints branch officers responsible for handling hazardous waste and coordination of all structural subdivisions of the branch operation in this field.

     In turn, specialized organizations involved by the North-Western Basin Branch carry out the activities pursuant to licenses for permission to collect, transport, treat, dispose of, and neutralize wastes of Class of Hazard I-IV issued by Russia’s Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service Department for the North-Western Federal District:

     - KONTUR SPb LLC to collect, transport, treat, dispose of and neutralize wastes of Class of Hazard I, IV (License No. (78) -5054- STUB of January 11, 2018 remains in force without limit of time);

     - Environmental Fleet LLC to transport wastes of Class of Hazard I-IV (License No. LO20-00113-78/00101638 of September 8, 2022 remains in force without limit of time);

     - IVOLGA LLC to collect and transport wastes of Class of Hazard I, IV, dispose of wastes of Class of Hazard III, IV (License No. (78) 7269-STU of February 6, 2019 remains in force without limit of time);

     - the Managing Company for Waste Treatment in Leningrad Region, JSC, to collect wastes of Class of Hazard III, IV, transport wastes of Class of Hazard I, II, III, IV, treat wastes of Class of Hazard IV, place wastes of Class of Hazard III, IV (License Series 78 No. 4235-STOUR/P of October 25, 2018 remains in force without limit of time).


     The North-Western Basin Branch and specialized organizations involved by the branch have the necessary equipment for cleaning water bodies water areas, and also for receiving and transportation of domestic waste from the seaports territories and from vessels.
     The North-Western Basin Branch in the seaport of Ust-Luga has the necessary equipment and technical means for collection, transportation and neutralization an/or disposal of waste from vessels and coastal organizations, in particular:

     - Bilge waters collector;

     - Waste Complex Processing Station SKPO-3;

     - Waste Incinerator IN50.02KM;

     - Specialized transport for solid waste and wastewater transportation MSK-16П and KO-560.


«Краковец» Станция комплексной переработки отходов «СКПО-3»
Специализированный автотранспорт для транспортировки твердых бытовых отходов и сточных вод КО-560

     2. Procedure for ecological services provision  


     Procedure for ecological services provision in the seaport Big Port of Saint Petersburg

     Ecological services for collection, transportation, neutralization or disposal of shipboard wastes are rendered by the North-Western Basin Branch in the seaport Big Port Saint Petersburg in accordance with the Procedure for services provision in the seaport Big Port Saint Petersburg water area for collection, transportation, neutralization or disposal of shipboard wastes, generated due to normal vessel operation, and are subject to constant or periodical removal (except for ballast water, waste related to cargo, waste related to cargo and fuel tank stripping) during all the time of vessel stay in the seaport, approved by the North-Western Basin Branch Director Order No. 975 of 26.09.2022.


     Ecological dues are charged for rendered by the North-Western Basin Branch ecological services in the seaport Big Port of Saint Petersburg. Information on ecological dues rates and procedure for their collection is given in section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the North-Western Basin Branch”.


     Procedure for ecological services provision in the seaport of Ust-Luga to vessels paying ecological dues in the prescribed order

     Ecological services for receiving, transportation, neutralization or disposal of wastes from vessels paying ecological dues in the prescribed order in the seaport of Ust-Luga are rendered by the North-Western Basin Branch Ust-Luga Department in accordance with the Procedure for services provision for receiving, transportation, neutralization or disposal of III-IV hazard class wastes from vessels located in the seaport of Ust-Luga water area and paying in the prescribed order of ecological dues, approved by Order No. 723 of 15.07.2022 of the North-Western Basin Branch dated and under concluded standard contract for provision of services for navigation and stay of the vessels in seaports and on approaches to them.

     Information on the procedure for concluding a standard contract for the provision of services to ensure navigation and stay of vessels in seaports and on approaches to them can be found in the section "Harbour dues and tariffs of the North-Western Basin Branch".



     Ecological dues are charged in the prescribed order for rendered by the North-Western Basin Branch ecological services for collection and neutralization and/or disposal of shipboard wastes in the seaport of Ust-Luga. Information on ecological dues rates and procedure for their collection is given in section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the North-Western Basin Branch”.

     Procedure for additional ecological services provision in the seaport of Ust-Luga to vessels exempt from the payment of ecological dues in the prescribed manner

     Ecological services for the collection, transportation, neutralization and disposal of waste from vessels exempt from the payment of ecological dues in the prescribed manner in the seaport of Ust-Luga at necessity to discard wastes in the seaport of Ust-Luga are provided by the Ust-Luga Department of the North-Western Basin Branch in accordance with the Procedure for the provision by the FSUE "Rosmorport" North-Western Basin Branch of services for the collection, transportation, neutralization and disposal of waste of III-IV hazard classes from vessels located in the water area of ​​the seaport of Ust-Luga, approved by the order of the North-Western Basin Branch No. 723 dated July 15, 2022, and on the terms of the concluded standard contract for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the Contract).

     To conclude the Contract, a customer sends a written request to the North-Western Basin Branch fax +7 (812) 327-40-23, or a scan by email: The request will be considered within a day and in the absence of restrictions in technical possibility for the requested services provision, a list of documents required for submission to the North-Western Basin Branch for contract concluding is sent to the customer. After submission by the customer of all necessary documents for the Contract concluding, two copies of the Contract shall be sent to him by email or delivered by a courier for signing. The signed by the customer two copies of the Contract shall be returned to the North-Western Basin Branch at the address: Gapsalskaya st., 8, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 198035, for signing by the North-Western Basin Branch. In the result of final drafting, one copy of the Contract is sent to the custumer by email or delivered by a courier.

     Additional reference information on the Contract conclusion can be obtained by phone +7 (812) 380-71-46 (on working days from 8:30 to 17:00, lunch break from 12:30 to 13:00), or by sending a request by fax: +7 (812) 324-57-65 or email:

     The rendered by the North-Western Basin Branch ecological services for collection, transportation, neutralization and/or disposal of wastes from vessels in the prescribed manner exempt from the payment of ecological dues in the seaport of Ust-Luga are paid in accordance with the North-Western Basin Branch rates. Information on rates for ecological services and procedure for their payment is given in section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the North-Western Basin Branch”.


     3. Statistical information


     Information of shipboard waste volumes collected by the North-Western Basin Branch in the seaports of Big Port Saint Petersburg and Ust-Luga.


     The seaport Big Port of Saint Petersburg

Year Oil-contaminated water,
thousand m3
Sanitary sewage,
thousand m3
Domestic waste,
thousand m3
2009–2019 ⇲
2009 39.7 5.5 4.7
2010 5.4 4.2 4.7
2011 34.7 4.6 5.1
2012 25.1 5.5 4.8
2013 26.0 5.9 5.3
2014 23.4 5.7 5.7
2015 22.0 5.2 5.2
2016 24.6 6.0 5.5





2018 22.5 10.3 5.6
2019 19.6 10.1 5.6
2020 19.2 9.1 5.7
2021 18.7 8.3 6.0
2022 13.5 7.9 4.8
2023 18.5 7.6 5.9

     The seaport of Ust-Luga

Year Oil-contaminated water,
thousand m3
Sanitary sewage,
thousand m3
Domestic waste,
thousand m3
2009–2019 ⇲
2012 1.3 0.6 0.2
2013 6.7 2.1 1.3
2014 7.1 1.9 2
2015 7.2 2.1 1.7
2016 7.1 2.5 2.1





2018 6.2 3.6 2.1
2019 5.0 4.8 2.5
2020 5.1 3.2 2.2
2021 4.7 4.4 2.2
2022 5.5 5.8 2.9
2023 5.6 6.9 3.9

     4. Contact information


     Additional reference information of procedure for provision by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch of ecological services in the seaports Big Port Saint Petersburg and Ust-Luga can be obtained by phone:

      +7 (812) 380-71-46 (Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00, lunch break from 12:30 to 13:00),

     or sending a request by Fax: +7 (812) 324-57-65, or by email: