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North-Western Basin Branch News

The Inza Yacht Among the Winners of “Marine Mile 2017” Yacht Regatta

A yacht regatta organized by JSC “Passenger Port St Petersburg” was held on Neva Bay on September 21, 2017.

Over 50 yachts contested the victory during the regatta. The Inza yacht of Platu 25 Class took part in the regatta. The yacht was commanded by Captain Sergei Spiridonov, chief operator of the North-Western Basin Branch Vyborg Directorate VTMS, who was assisted by crew members Sergei Boichenko, senior dispatcher of the pilotage service, and Nikolai Kulagin, aide to the deputy director for economics and finances of the North-Western Basin Branch.

The Inza yacht took off in Platu 25 Group. This group included yachts of the length between eight and twelve meters of general construction and sailing armament. The time in the race has been calculated by the absolute time of finish.

The race's route represented a double loop. The race finished at the start located in the water area of Neva Bay, in the area of Lakhta.

Within the regatta three races of each group of vessels have been held. One race lasted about 30-35 minutes and the yacths' speed made up 4-6 knots.

According to the results of the races in Platu 25 Class, the Inza crew, who took part in the regatta under the flag of FSUE “Rosmorport”, came second.