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Russia, Sakhalin Region, Sakhalin island, Korsakov Region, Aniva Bay, Korsakov (46° 37' N 142° 45' E)
Government of Russia Regulation dated 21.04.2010 No. 610-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 05.04.2021 No. 882-r
Article 32 of Federal Law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ
• Seaport territory size: 45.34 hectares;
• Seaport water area size 113.26 sq. km;
• Number of berths: 30 units;
• Length of the berth wall: 3 405.5 m;
• Total cargo terminals cargo flow capacity:
4 573.9 thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 750 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 2 608.3 thous. tons per year;
– containers (thous. units of 20-foot equivalent units (TEUs) per year): 101.3 thous. TEU per year;
• Passenger terminals cargo flow capacity 31,500 passengers per year;
• Maximum dimensions of ships calling at the seaport:
– draught:
7.5 m;
– length:
150 m;
– width:
40 m;
• Covered warehouses area size:
18.09 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
79.19 thous. sq. m

Sakhalinskaya Bunkerovochnaya Kompaniya, LLC
Korsakovskaya toplivno-bunkerovochnaya kompaniya, LLC
RN-Bunker, LLC
Korsakovskiy morskoy torgovyy port, OJSC
Pristan, LLC
FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch
Sakhalin Shelf Servis, Joint Enterprise LLC
Korsakovsky transportno-logistichesky park, LLC
Pristan, LLC
Port, LLC
FSBI Morskaya spasatelnaya sluzhba
Sole Proprietor Shalak A.G.
Green Coast, LLC
Morinflot, LLC
Morskaya agentskaya kompaniya Transfes Sakhalin, LLC
TEK Daltransservis, CJSC
Zelenaya Doroga, LLC
Morskoe Agentstvo Shelf-Flot, LLC
Sakhalinskiy Ekspeditorskiy Servis, LLC
Korsakovsky transportno-logistichesky park, LLC
Pristan, LLC
Sakhalin Shelf Servis, Joint Enterprise LLC
Sakhalinskaya Morskaya Agentskaya Kompaniya, LLC
FESKO Integrirovanny Transport, LLC
Sakhalin Ship Servis, LLC
Sakhalin-Logistika, LLC
Prime, LLC
FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch
Sakhalinskiy morskoy syurveyer, LLC
Pristan, LLC
Sakhalin Shelf Servis, Joint Enterprise LLC
Sole Proprietor Lobanova O.V.
Morskaya passazhirskaya sluzhba, LLC
Korvet, LLC
Тамozhennoe Agentstvo – Sakhalin, LLC
Pristan, LLC
Servis Dok, LLC
Tsentralnye Remontnye Masterskie, LLC
Sole Proprietor Kamimura Valery
Raskona, LLC
KMTP-remont, LLC
Arsenal-Elektrik, LLC
Vista, LLC
Yugo-Vostochnaya Rybopromyshlennaya Kompaniya, LLC
Rybopromyshlennaya Kompaniya Kardinal, LLC
Gydrosrtoy, JSC
All year round
  • Council of Ministers-Government of Russia Decree dated 28.01.1993 No. 127-r
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 09.12.2003 No. 743 “On the establishment of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for the arrival of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2010 No. 521 “On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for the departure of certain types of goods from the territory of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 07.07.2011 No. 557 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for import of animals, products of animal origin, feedstuff, feed supplements, ailments for animals and quarantined products (quarantined material, quarantined cargo)"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.12.2018 No. 1512 “On approval of the list of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, which allow the sale of goods to individuals arriving in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union by air and water transport”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 17.02.2024 No. 183 “On the determination of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for export from the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union of waste and scrap of ferrous metals”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.11.2008 No. 1724-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 10.12.2021 No. 3526-r
  • Rosgranitsa Order dated 10.08.2015 No. 188-OD "On approval of boundaries of the maritime cargo-and-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in Korsakov Seaport (Sakhalin Territory)"
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 № 81-FZ
  • Federal Law dated 08.11.2007 № 261-FZ "On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 25.04.2006 No. 583-r "On approval of the list of sea commercial ports, the masters of which perform vessel registration in the Russian International Vessel Register" (as amended and supplemented)
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.03.2018 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia order dated 13.06.2013 No. 210 “On approval of the list of federal state establishments and seaport masters authorized to prepare and issue seafarer’s identity cards”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 05.08.2014 No. 219 “On determining anchorage areas for detained or arrested vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
Compulsory Regulations in Korsakov Seaport approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 28.05.2013 No. 189
Address: 27-A Kommunistichesky Prospekt, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia Phone: +7 (4242) 42-36-29; +7 (4242) 42-91-44 Fax:+7 (4242) 71-21-98 0
Address: 20 Institutskaya St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia Phone: +7 (4242) 71-47-01; Fax:+7 (4242) 72-22-32 0
Address: 42 Sakhalinskaya St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia Phone/Fax: +7 (4242) 72-32-82 0
Address: 129 Lenina St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia Phone: +7 (4242) 72-55-85; Fax:+7 (4242) 49-85-67 0

Water area

General view

Pogranichnoye tanker roads





Russia, Tatar Strait, South-Western coast, Sakhalin island, Nevelsk (46°41’ N 142°51’ E)
Government of Russia Regulation dated 23.04.2010 No. 640-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 04.04.2017 No. 614-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 18.07.2020 No. 1864-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 02.09.2023 No. 2371-r

in accordance with the article 32 of federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ

Seaport area size:
91.29 hectares;
Seaport water area size:
2.25 sq. km;
Number of berths:
27 units;
Berth wall length:
2,887.8 m;
Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
1,197.059 thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 181.8 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 1,012.89 thous. tons per year;
– container cargo: 2.369 TEU per year;
Passenger terminals flow capacity: 13,284 passengers per year;
Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
- Nevelsk sea terminal: 5.5 m / 110 m / 15 m;
- Severo-Kurilsk sea terminal: 5.0 m / 85 m / -
- Kurilsk sea terminal: 7.0 m / - / -
- Yuzhno-Kurilsk sea terminal: 6.0 m / 133 m / -
- Malokurilsk sea terminal: 6.0 m / 70 m / -
- Krabozavodsk sea terminal: 5.0 m / 80 m / -
Covered warehouses area size:
16.548 thous. sq. m;
Open warehouses area size:
31.3 thous. sq. m
Sole Proprietor Kazymov O.N.
Gornyak-2, LLC
Agent-Flot, LLC
Sole Proprietor Kazymov O.N.
Gornyak-2, LLC
Agent-Flot, LLC
Nevelsky sudoremont, LLC
Rybokombinat Ostrovnoy, CJSC
Kurilsky proliv, LLC
Sole Proprietor Kazymov O.N.
Gornyak-2, LLC
Agent-Flot, LLC
Natali, LLC
Kompaniya STK, LLC
Kurilsky proliv, LLC
Gornyak-2, LLC
Baryer, LLC
Kompaniya STK, LLC
FSI Sakhalinrybvod Nevelsky sudoremont, LLC
Argo, LLC
Yakor, LLC
Afalina, OJSC
Proizvodstvenno-kommercheskaya firma “Yuzhno-Kurilsky rybokombinat” , LLC
Rybokombinat Ostrovnoy, CJSC
Gydrostroy, CJSC
Krabozavodsk, CJSC
Kurilsky proliv, LLC
Kurilsky proliv, LLC

All year round

  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ " On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.03.2018 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”

Compulsoru Regulations in the seaport of Nevelsk approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 22.01.2014 No. 15

Krabozavodsk sea terminal

Kurilsk sea terminal - water area

Kurilsk sea terminal - territory

Malokurilsk sea terminal

Nevelsk seaport water area

Nevelsk seaport territory

Kurilsk sea terminal, Olya Bay - water area

Kurilsk sea terminal, Olya Bay - territory

Severo-Kurilsk sea terminal

Yuzhno-Kurilsk sea terminal

Russia, Sakhalin territory, Korsakovsky District, Okhotsk Sea, Aniva Bay (46°35’ N 142°55’ E)

Government of Russia Decree dated 06.05.2008 No. 658-r

Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 25.12.2008 No. 220 “On opening the seaport of Prigorodnoye for providing services”

• Seaport area size: 
19.808 hectares;
• Seaport water area: 
57.8 sq. km;
• Number of berths: 
4 units;
• Berth wall length: 
951.31 m;
• Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
19,600 thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo:
19,600 thous. tons per year;
• Maximum dimensions of vessels calling at the seaport:
- draugth: 17.5 m;
- length: 300 m;
- width: no limits
Port Prigorodnoye, CJSC
Sakhalinskaya Energiya, LLC
Sakhalinskaya Energiya, LLC
Ecoshelf, LLC
Grin-Koast, LLC
Sakhalinskaya Energiya, LLC
Port Prigorodnoye, CJSC
Morskoe agentstvo “ISS PRISCO”, LLC
Mandzhur, LLC
TEK Daltransservis, JSC
All year round 
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ " On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 19.05.2018 No. 584
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 11.01.2011 No. 6 “On establishing the area of compulsory pilotage of vessels in the seaport of Prigorodnoye”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”

Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Prigorodnoye approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 12.08.2011 No. 212

Prigorodnoye seaport scheme

Russia, Sakhalin Territory, Kholmsk District, Japanese Sea, Kholmsk (47°03’ N 142°02’ W)

Government of Russia Regulation dated 20.02.2010 No. 179-r

Article 32 of Federal Law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ
• Seaport area size:
48.89 hectares;
• Seaport water area size:
15.62 sq. km;
• Number of berths:
27 units;
• Berth wall length:
2,469.4 m;
• Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
3,784 thous. tons per year;
– liquid cargo: 100 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 3,636 thous. tons per year;
– container cargo: 4 thous. TEU per year;
• Passenger terminals flow capacity: 90,000 passengers per year;
• Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
– draught: 8 m;
– length:
130 m;
– width:
22 m;
– transport vessels are processed in the roadstead
• Closed warehouses area size:
27.44 thous. sq. m;
• Open warehouses area size:
134.01 thous. sq. m;
• Capacity of containers for oil products: 8.0 thous. tons
Morskoy servis, LLC
Sakhalinskoe morskoe parokhodstvo, OJSC
Morskoe agentstvo “Sakhalin-Shelf-Flot”, LLC
Transbunker-Sakhalin, LLC
Sakhalin Shelf Servis, Joint Enterprise LLC
Kholmsky morskoy torgovy port, PJSC
Sakhalin Shelf Servis, Joint Enterprise LLC
RUT 2009, LLC
Kholmsky morskoy torgovy port, PJSC
Sakhalinskoe morskoe parokhodstvo, OJSC
Transbunker-Sakhalin, LLC
Sakhalin Shelf Servis, Joint Enterprise LLC
Marinflot, LLC
Morskaya agentskaya kompaniya Transfes Sakhalin, LLC
TEK “Daltransservis”, CJSC
Agent Servis, LLC
Morskoe agentstvo “Shelf-Flot”, LLC
Sakhalin-Shelf-Servis, LLC
FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch
Sakhalin Shelf Servis, Joint Enterprise LLC
Sakhalin Shelf Servis, Joint Enterprise LLC
MK Sakhalin-Kurily, CJSC
Sakhalinskoe morskoe parokhodstvo, OJSC
Sakhnortek, LLC
TEK “Daltransservis”, CJSC
Era logistiki, LLC
Magna, LLC
Sole Proprietor Zhdankin G.M.

All year round

  • USSR Council of Ministers Decree dated 06.11.1951 No. 4393-1972c “On ports closed to foreign ships”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 15.07.2010 No. 521 “On definition of the Russian Federation sate border checkpoints for the departure of certain types of goods from the territory of the Russian Federation”
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2011 No. 442 "On definition of the Russian Federation state border checkpoints designed for the import of goods, chemical, biological, and radioactive substances, wastes, and other cargo hazardous for human, and also articles of food to the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 12.12.2018 No. 1512 “On approval of the list of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, which allow the sale of goods to individuals arriving in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union by air and water transport”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 26.04.2021 No. 137 “On reconstruction of the sea cargo permanent multilateral checkpoint across the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Kholmsk (Sakhalin Territory)”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 31.03.2022 No. 107 “On approval of the Regime Rules at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 08.11.2023 No. 370 “On approval of boundaries of the maritime cargo-and-passenger permanent multilateral checkpoint through the state border of the Russian Federation in the seaport of Kholmsk (Sakhalin Territory)”
  • Rosselkhoznadzor Letter dated 20.03.2012 No. FS-AS-3/3506
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ " On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 14.10.2003 No. 1491-r
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 25.04.2006 No. 583-r (with amendments) “On approval of the list of commercial seaports, the captains of which register ships in the Russian International Register of Ships”
  • Government of Russia Decree dated 20.03.2018 458-r
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 04.05.2018 No. 181 “On approval of the list of seaports in which diplomas and qualification certificates are issued to ship crew members”

Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 27.02.2012 No. 51 “On approval of the Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Kholmsk”

Address: 27-A Kommunistichesky Prospekt, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia Phone: +7 (4242) 42-36-29; +7 (4242) 42-91-44 Fax: +7 (4242) 71-21-98 0
Address: 20 Institutskaya St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia Phone: +7 (4242) 71-47-01; Fax: +7 (4242) 72-22-32 0
Address: 42 Sakhalinskaya St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia Phone/Fax: +7 (4242) 72-32-82 0
Address: 129 Lenina St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 693000, Russia Phone: +7 (4242) 72-55-85; Fax: +7 (4242) 49-85-67 0

Kholmsk seaport scheme

Russia, Sakhalin Territory, Uglegorsk District, Shakhtersk, Tatar Strait, Sakhalin island, at the top of Gavrilov Bay (49°10’ N 142°02’ W)
Government of Russia Regulation dated 05.10.2010 No. 1676-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 03.06.2014 No. 946-r
Government of Russia Regulation dated 13.09.2019 No. 2068-r
• Seaport area size:
13.55 hectares;
• Seaport water area size:
47.28 sq. km;
• Number of berths:
28 units;
• Berth wall length:
2,113 m;
• Cargo terminals total flow capacity:
2,300 thous. tons per year;
– dry cargo: 2,300 thous. tons per year;
• Maximum dimensions of vessels
calling at the seaport:
coal berth
– draught: 15 m;
– length:
200 m;
– width:
20 m;
inner harbor
– draught: 1.8 m;
– length:
60 m;
• Closed warehouses area size:
7.06 thous. sq. m;
• Open warehouses area size:
44.45 thous. sq. m
Ugolny morskoy port Shakhtersk, LLC
Ugolny morskoy port Shakhtersk, LLC
Sakhalinskaya Morsksya Agentskaya Kompaniya, LLC
Marin Servises Agency, LLC
SZHS Vostok Limited, CJSC
Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky morskoy port, PJSC
Port Uglegorsky, LLC
Dalnevostochnoe morskoe parokhodstvo, OJSC
Sakhalinskoe morskoe parokhodstvo, OJSC
Ugolny morskoy port Shakhtersk, LLC
Chukotskaya transportnaya kompaniya, JSC
  • Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation dated 30.04.1999 No. 81-FZ
  • Federal law dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ " On seaports of Russian federation and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"
  • Government of Russia Regulation dated 19.05.2018 No. 584
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 04.12.2013 No. 373 “On approval of the lists of seaports included in the relevant seaport administrations”
  • Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 19.05.2017 No. 191 “On approval of the Rules for the state registration of vessels, rights to them and transactions with them in seaports and of centralized accounting of registered vessels”
  • Ministry of Russia Order dated 26.10.2017 No. 463 “On approval of the General rules for navigation and mooring of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on the approaches to them”

Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Shakhtersk approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia Order dated 25.12.2012 No. 447

Boshnyakovo sea terminal

Krasnogorsk sea terminal

Borders of the Shakhtersk seaport land plots (borders of No. 7, No. 8 No. 9 land plots of the Uglegorsk sea terminal)

Borders of the Shakhtersk seaport territory (scheme of the land plots No. 1 and No. 2)

Borders of the water area of the Shakhtersk seaport (land plot No. 1)