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Sakhalin Branch Ecological Activities

  I. Environmental protection during current economic activities 
       1. Atmoshperic air protection
       2. Water resources protection

       3. Land plots protection 
       4. Waste disposal 
 II. Environmental protection during dredging works
III. Environmental protection during reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities
IV. Environmental protection expenses of the Sakhalin Branch
 V. Prospects of environmental protection activities

     The main tasks of the Sakhalin Branch in the field of environmental protection are:

     - reduction of the negative impact on the environment in the process of economic activities of the branch;
     - compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation and environmental quality standards;
     - production control over the implementation of environmental protection measures implemented by the branch.
     Environmental protection activities of the Sakhalin Branch are carried out in accordance with the annual environmental action plan for the branch, developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
     To ensure environmental protection activities, the Sakhalin Branch has a special branch employee, who is engaged in organizing control over the implementation by the branch of standards and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, implements industrial environmental control measures during statutory activities of the branch in the relevant seaports.

     The employee of the Sakhalin Branch engaged in this activity has necessary education in the environmental protection and rational use of natural resources specialty, and work experience for at least 3 years.  

I. Environmental protection during current economic activities

     In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, facilities that have a negative impact on the environment should be put on state registration in the federal state register.

     As of 01.01.2024, all 8 area facilities operated by the Sakhalin Branch have been put on state registration in the federal state register of facilities. The facilities belong to the IV category of facilities that have minimal negative impact on the environment.

     The measures carried out by the Sakhalin Branch in the field of environmental protection during its current economic activities are implemented in the following areas.

     1. Atmoshperic air protection

     To fulfill its statutory tasks, the Sakhalin Branch has vessels of the service and auxiliary fleet and a stock of vehicles. All vehicles of the Sakhalin Branch regularly undergo maintenance and state technical inspection in accordance with established schedules. As part of the production control, instrumental control of emissions from motor vehicles and measurements of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances and the smoke content of exhaust gases of marine engines are regularly carried out by the forces of specialized laboratories involved.
      During the period of repair dredging in the seaport of Shakhtersk, the Sakhalin Branch uses vessels as part of the dredging convoy, in which marine diesel engines are sources of negative impact on the atmosphere.
     The Sakhalin Branch also operates stationary sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, which include two diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation of port facilities of the branch, and a parking area near the administrative building.
     In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on atmospheric air protection, the branch annually makes an inventory of sources of emissions and emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, including emissions from stationary and mobile sources that are permanently or temporarily operated at sites. 

Dynamic of atmospheric emissions by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch 

     2. Water resources protection

     During its economic activities, the Sakhalin Branch uses water bodies in the waters of the seaports of Korsakov and Shakhtersk for the purpose of laying up of vessels and repair dredging.

     As prescribed, the branch received the following decisions from the Amur Basin Water Management:

     - dated 30.11.2022 No. 00- on providing for use a part of a water body in the waters of the Tatar Strait, the Sea of Japan in order to carry out dredging, blasting, drilling and other operations related to changing the bottom and banks of surface water bodies, with the exception of cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 47 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, with a total area of 10.73 km2, valid until March 1, 2032;

     - dated 27.03.2019 No. 00- on providing for use a part of a water body in the waters of the Tatar Strait, the Sea of Japan in order to carry out dredging, blasting, drilling and other operations related to changing the bottom and banks of surface water bodies, with the exception of cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 47 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, with a total area of 4.84 km2, valid until February 18, 2029;

     - dated 17.12.2018 No. 00- on providing for use a part of a water body in the waters of the Aniva Bay, the Sea of Okhotsk in order to carry out dredging, blasting, drilling and other operations related to changing the bottom and banks of surface water bodies, with the exception of cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 47 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, with a total area of 19.7 km2, valid until December 31, 2028;

     - dated 03.12.2018 No. 00- on providing for use a part of a water body in the waters of the Aniva Bay, the Sea of Okhotsk in order to carry out dredging, blasting, drilling and other operations related to changing the bottom and banks of surface water bodies, with the exception of cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 47 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, with a total area of 22.62 km2, valid until December 31, 2028.

     Observations are carried out in accordance with programs, agreed upon with the territorial department of water resources for the Sakhalin Region of the Amur Basin Water Administration. To carry out the specified operations, the Sakhalin Branch on a competitive basis attracts specialized accredited organizations that have the necessary experience, facilities, equipment and licenses for such activity. Analytical control data and reports on the implementation of water protection measures are provided as prescribed to the territorial department of water resources for the Sakhalin Region of the Amur Basin Water Administration.

     At the end of 2023, no pollution of surface waters was recorded in the sections of water areas used by the branch. 

     3. Land plots protection 

     In order to prevent pollution, littering and cluttering up of land plots used by the Sakhalin Branch, the branch takes the following measures on a regular basis:

     - maintaining of waste storage areas in a condition that meets the requirements of environmental, sanitary and epidemiological legislation of the Russian Federation, ensuring timely removal of generated waste from the territory of the branch;

     - regular cleaning of the branch’s territories;

     - checking that tenants of the branch's buildings and land plots follow the requirements to maintain the branch's territories used by them in proper condition. 

     4. Waste disposal 

     In order to decrease the negative influence of the Sakhalin Branch activities on the environment, the branch keeps records of volumes of wastes produced by the branch activities, control after places of their temporary disposition and accumulation and frequency of their disposal.

     The waste produced during the branch activities is of I-V classes of hazard. The share of waste of I class of hazard (mercury lamps) and II class of hazard (used accumulators, batteries) in the waste structure of the branch is 0.01%.

     Waste of I and II classes of hazard is transferred by the branch to the federal environmental operator for waste management of waste of I and II hazard classes (FSUE “FEO”) for their subsequent neutralization.

     Waste of III-IV classes of hazard (oils, cleaning materials, used filters, bilge, oil-containing and sewage waters) generated as a result of the operation of the branch's vessels is transferred by the branch for neutralization to a specialized organization licensed for hazardous waste management.

     Solid household waste generated as a result of the activities of the Sakhalin Branch is transferred as prescribed to the regional operator for the management of solid household waste in the Sakhalin Region (Waste Management Administration Company).

     Dynamic of waste production by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch

     A significant increase in the volume of waste generated by the Sakhalin Branch in 2023 is due to the disposal of a soil-carrying barge as scrap metal organized by the branch.

II. Environmental protection during dredging works

     In order to ensure navigation safety and maintain the specified depths, the Sakhalin Branch performs dredging in the seaports of Korsakov and Shakhtersk.

     The work is carried out in accordance with the rules specified in RD 31.74.08-94 “Technical instructions for marine dredging works” and the organization standard STO 14649425-00502019 “Performing dredging works in seaports and on approaches to them”.

     Seaport of Korsakov

     In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation, the Sakhalin Branch has developed design documentation “Justification of economic activities in inland sea waters for the disposal of dredging soil extracted during sea dredging in the waters of seaports and terminals in Aniva Bay, the Sea of Okhotsk, and repair dredging in the seaport of Korsakov for a period of ten years”. The design documentation has been approved as prescribed by the competent state authorities and has a positive conclusion from the state environmental expertise, approved by order of Rosprirodnadzor dated 21.09.2018 No. 716.

     In 2023 dredging works were not carried out in the seaport of Korsakov, and in 2024 they are not planned either.

     Disposal of this soil, extracted during repair dredging in the seaport of Korsakov, was carried out in an underwater sea dump located in Aniva Bay, the Sea of Okhotsk, on the basis of Rosprirodnadzor permission dated 19.04.2019 No. 173M, valid until 21.09.2028.

     In order to compensate for damage to aquatic biological resources during dredging in the waters of the seaport of Korsakov, the branch finances cultivation of juvenile chum salmon under an agreement with a specialized fish farming enterprise.

     In 2022, the Sakhalin Branch spent 600 thousand rubles for compensatory measures for the artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources and the release of 122 thousand juvenile chum salmon into the Krasnoyarka River, Kholmsky District, Sakhalin Region.

     When performing dredging works in the seaport of Korsakov, the branch carries out continuous industrial environmental control and environmental monitoring of water bodies, as well as monitoring of the impact on biological resources involving on a contractual basis specialized organizations and laboratories that have the accreditation in the scope of the necessary research.

     Seaport of Shakhtersk

     In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation, the Sakhalin Branch has developed:

     - design documentation “Repair dredging in the seaport of Shakhtersk with the organization of underwater (sea) and onshore soil dump for a period of ten years. Adjustment”, which has been agreed upon as prescribed with the competent state authorities and has a positive conclusion from the state environmental expertise, approved by Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) dated 18.11.2022 No. 523-O;

     - design documentation “Repair dredging in the sea terminal Boshnyakovo of the seaport of Shakhtersk with the creation of underwater (sea) and onshore dump for the disposal of soil, extracted during dredging, for a period of ten years”, which has been agreed upon as prescribed with the competent state authorities and has a positive conclusion from the state environmental expertise, approved by Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources dated 24.12.2018 No. 1034.

     In 2023, the total volume of dredging works in the seaport of Shakhtersk amounted to 19.5 thousand m3 of extracted bottom soil.

     In 2024, the Sakhalin Branch plans to carry out repair dredging in the seaport of Shakhtersk with a total volume of 79 thousand m3 of extracted soil.

     Disposal of this soil, extracted during repair dredging, is carried out in underwater sea dumps located in the Tatar Strait on the basis of permits from Rosprirodnadzor:

     - dated 19.12.2022 No. 302M, valid until 01.03.2032;

     - dated 08.08.2019 No. 183M, valid until 27.10.2027. 

     In order to compensate for damage to the aquatic biological resources of the Tatar Strait during dredging, the Sakhalin Branch carries out cultivation of juvenile fish for release into the relevant water bodies by contract with fisheries complexes of the Sakhalin Region.

     In the period from 2011 to 2023, the Sakhalin Branch spent 7 million rubles on the reproduction of juvenile chum salmon. As a result, more than 1.7 million juvenile chum salmon were raised and released into the Tatar Strait, as well as the Krasnoyarka and Sova rivers.

     In 2023, the Sakhalin Branch spent 1 million rubles for compensatory measures for the artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources and the release of 197 thousand juvenile chum salmon into the Sova River, Kholmsky District, Sakhalin Region.

     When performing dredging works in the seaport of Shakhtersk, the branch carries out continuous industrial environmental control and environmental monitoring of water bodies, as well as monitoring of the impact on biological resources involving on a contractual basis specialized organizations and laboratories that have the accreditation in the scope of the necessary research.

III. Environmental protection during reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities

     The Sakhalin Branch, as a customer-developer, in accordance with the federal target programs and investment programs of the enterprise in the seaports of the Sakhalin Region, implements various projects for the construction or reconstruction of coastal and port infrastructure facilities.

     For all capital investments objects that were realized by the branch in the period from 2004 to the present, the design documentation was developed in strict accordance with the standards and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection. In accordance with the established procedure, public hearings were held, after which the design documentation was sent to the state environmental expertise. Construction and installation work was carried out only after receiving positive conclusions of the state environmental assessment and state construction expertise.

     Currently, the Sakhalin Branch does not carry out construction and installation work on the reconstruction or construction of new port infrastructure facilities, however, in the short and medium term, the Sakhalin Branch will continue to systematically implement other capital investment projects aimed at the development of port infrastructure and fleet in the seaports of the Sakhalin Region.

     For all capital investment objects, where the Sakhalin Branch is the customer-developer, design documentation is being developed in strict accordance with Russian and international environmental standards.

     In particular, in the medium term the Sakhalin Branch plans to implement the following projects:

     - a project for constructing a wave protection pier and operational water areas and approach channels in the seaport of Korsakov as part of plans for creating a transit hub port “Logistics Technopark (Korsakovsky Port)”. The documentation, developed by a specialized design organization, together with materials on environmental impact assessment, were presented as prescribed at public hearings in the form of a survey. Based on the results of the public hearings (minutes of the Korsakov City District Administration dated 04.05.2023 No. 2), they were recognized as valid. During the development of the design documentation, the construction activities were divided into 3 stages. The design estimate documentation and the results of engineering surveys for the 1st stage of construction were submitted as prescribed for consideration to FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”. Based on the results of their consideration, a positive conclusion of the state expertise dated 27.09.2023 No. 65-1-1-3-057655-2023, approved by FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”, was received. It establishes that the results of engineering surveys comply with the requirements of technical regulations, the design documentation corresponds to the results of engineering surveys carried out for its preparation, to the design assignment, to the requirements of technical regulations and to other established requirements, and the estimated cost is determined reliably. Currently, the design documentation for the 1st stage of construction has been submitted for consideration by the state environmental expertise. The design estimate documentation and the results of engineering surveys for the 2nd stage of construction, after their final revision, will be submitted as prescribed for consideration to FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”. The design estimate documentation and the results of engineering surveys for the 3nd stage of construction have currently been submitted for consideration to FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”. If the state environmental expertise is successfully passed and the necessary funding is allocated, the start of construction and installation work for the 1st stage of construction is scheduled for August 2024. The start of construction and installation work for the 2st stage of construction, subject to receiving positive conclusions from state expertise and the allocation of the necessary funding, is scheduled for 2026. The start of construction and installation work for the 3st stage of construction, subject to receiving positive conclusions from state expertise and the allocation of the necessary funding, is scheduled for 2027.

IV. Environmental protection expenses of the Sakhalin Branch

     The total costs of the Sakhalin Branch in 2023 during its current business activities for the implementation of environmental protection measures, including payments for negative environmental impact, amounted to 2.2 million rubles.


Dynamic of environmental protection expenses of the Sakhalin Branch

V. Prospects of environmental protection activities

     The main tasks of the Sakhalin Branch in the field of environmental protection for the nearest future will be:
       • reducing negative impact on the environment by modernization of technical means and equipment used by the Sakhalin Branch;
       • implementation of modern energy and resource saving technologies;
       • improving environmental management systems and strengthening of industrial environmental control of all aspects of the Sakhalin Branch environmental activities.