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Drinking Water Services

1. General Provisions

2. Procedure for Rendering Drinking Water Services

3. Statistics Information

4. Contacts

     1. General Provisions


     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Petropavlovsk Branch renders drinking water services on Berth No 5 in the seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

     Only one vessel of no more than 111.5 m in length and no more than 8.8 m in draft at a time may receive drinking water at Berth No 5.

     In order to render drinking water services, Berth No 5 is equipped with a pump to load drinking water to tanks of a vessel with the capacity of 15 m3 per hour.

     Quality control of water provided by the Petropavlovsk Branch to the tanks of vessels is performed by the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution “The Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Kamchatka Area” every quarter. The center selects drinking water samples to evaluate its conformity to Sanitary Regulations and Norms 1.2.3685-21 “Hygienic standards and requirements for ensuring the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans” for sanitary-hygienic and microbiological indications.

     Following the results of water samples laboratory tests the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution “The Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Kamchatka Area” has issued a conclusion on the results of laboratory tests of cool drinking water No. 9225v of October 12, 2023 on the water conformity to the requirements of Sanitary Regulations and Norms 1.2.3685-21.


     2. Procedure for Rendering Drinking Water Services


     Drinking water services are rendered by the Petropavlovsk Branch pursuant to a framework service agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

     In order to conclude the Agreement, a customer sends an application for concluding the Agreement to the Petropavlovsk Branch by fax +7 (4152) 20-18-39 or a scan by e-mail . The application will be considered within one working day and in the absence of technical restrictions on the possibility to render the above-specified services and when all the documents  required to conclude the Agreement are submitted, the customer is sent two copies of the filed Agreement for signing. One copy of the Agreement signed by the customer should be returned to the Petropavlovsk Branch by courier or by post at: 5 Sapun Gora St., Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 683010.

     More information on the procedure for signing the Agreement can be received by +7 (4152) 21-29-27, extension 116 (Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Kamchatka time, the break is from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.).


     In exceptional cases for the purposes of efficiency drinking water services may be rendered by the Petropavlovsk Branch to potential customers without signing the Agreement on terms of pre-payment based on a written application.

     The application for drinking water services is submitted to the Petropavlovsk Branch by fax +7 (4152) 43-41-32, or +7 (4152) 20-18-97, or as a scan by e-mail

     The application is considered by the Petropavlovsk Branch within 24 hours as of receipt and in the absence of technical restrictions on a possibility to render drinking water services the Branch issues an invoice to the customer and an invoice for payment of services to provide a berth of the Petropavlovsk Branch. The invoice should be preliminarily paid by the customer within three days as of its issuance.

     When the Petropavlovsk Branch receives pre-payment the Branch renders drinking water services after the vessel’s mooring to Berth No 5.


     Information on the tariffs for drinking water services rendered by the Petropavlovsk Branch is provided in the Section “The Petropavlovsk Branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”.


     3. Statistics Information


     Information on the number of vessels taken water and the amount of supplied drinking water on Berth No 5


Number of vessels

supplied with water, units

Amount of supplied drinking

water in cubic meters


2017 4 0.6
2018 4 0.4
2019 6 0.7
2020 10 0.8
2021 43 1.5
2022 31 0.6
2023 70 1.81

     4. Contacts


     Additional information on the procedure for rendering drinking water services by the Petropavlovsk Branch in the seaport of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky can be received on Monday-Friday from 08:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Kamchatka time, the break is from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., by telephone

        +7 (4152) 20-18-30, 141 extra,

     or by sending an application by fax +7 (4152) 20-18-39 or by e-mail