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Murmansk Branch News

Icebreakers of the Murmansk Branch complete their work in the Northern Sea Route water area

Admiral Makarov and Krasin icebreakers of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch have completed the winter and spring navigation of 2023-2024 on the lines of the Northern Sea Route and returned to the seaport of Murmansk for routine maintenance work and preparation for the next winter navigation.

Both icebreakers have made a significant contribution to ensuring safe navigation in the difficult navigation period.

In particular, the Admiral Makarov icebreaker provided pilotage for 29 vessels in the waters of the Kara Sea from the western ice edge of the Cape Zhelaniya area to the northern fast ice edge of the Yenisei Bay during 149 days of operation. The total length of the icebreaker's navigation routes amounted to 15.3 thousand nautical miles of which ice navigation was more than 97.5 %.

The Krasin icebreaker, in its turn, provided pilotage for 83 vessels in the waters of the Kara and Barents Seas including the Ob-Yenisei region up to the seaport of Sabetta during 175 days of operation. During the navigation period the icebreaker covered a distance of 25.9 thousand nautical miles, which is almost 10 thousand kilometers more than the length of the Earth's equator. Of these, the vessel has sailed more than 23.4 thousand nautical miles in the ice.

After completion of scheduled maintenance and replenishment with supplies and provisions, the icebreakers will be ready to begin a new winter period of icebreaker assistance by December 2024.