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Murmansk Branch Ecological Activities

I. Environmental protection in the current economic activity

  1. Atmospheric air protection
  2. Water resources protection
  3. Land plots protection
  4. Waste disposal

II. Environmental protection during construction and reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities

III. The Murmansk Branch expenses on environmental protection

IV. Environmental activities prospects



     Main objectives of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch in the field of environmental protection are:

  • reducing the negative environmental impact that arises in process of economic activity of the branch;
  • compliance with environmental protection legislation and environmental quality standards;
  • production control over the implementation of environmental protection measures by the branch.

     Environmental protection activities of the Murmansk Basin Branch are carried out in accordance with annual environmental protection plans for directorate and the branch as a whole, developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation legislation.

     In order to ensure environmental protection activities there is an employee in the Murmansk Branch who deals with the organization of control of the Branch’s compliance with norms and requirements of the Russian legislation in the field of environmental protection, implements measures of industrial environmental monitoring in the implementation of the statutory forms of the branch activity in the seaports of Dikson, Dudinka, Kandalaksha, Murmansk, Varandey, and Vitino.

     The Branch's employee engaged in this field of activity has necessary specialized education, and has been trained in refresher courses on the programs “Training of Managers and Specialists of General Economic Environmental Safety Management Systems” and “Professional Training for the Right to Work with Class I-IV Hazardous Waste” and has relevant professional experience.

     According to established procedure, the management of the Murmansk Branch underwent training under the program “Ensuring Environmental Security by Heads and Specialists of General Economic Management Systems”. Managers of structural units underwent training under the program “Ensuring Environmental Security for Class I-IV Hazardous Waste Management” by obtaining certificates.


I. Environmental protection in the current economic activity


     In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, facilities that have a negative impact on the environment must be put on state registration in the federal state register.

     As of January 1, 2023, two areal facilities, operated by the Murmansk Branch, have been put on state registration in the federal state register of facilities. The facilities belong to the 3rd category of facilities that have a negative impact on the environment.

     For the rest of the facilities of the Murmansk Branch, work is being carried out in accordance with the established procedure on their categorization and state registration.

     While the Murmansk Branch is implementing economic activities, environmental protection measures are taken in the following areas:


     1. Atmospheric air protection


     To meet its production objectives, the Murmansk Branch manages necessary fleet of vehicles, auxiliary fleet vessels. Operation of these vehicles and watercraft forms emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

     The main stationary organized sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere are diesel and gasoline generators located at the Kola Bay VTS facilities and in the seaports of Vitino, Kandalaksha and Murmansk.

     Pursuant to the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, the Murmansk Branch has conducted an inventory of emission sources in accordance with the established procedure and has developed and approved standards for permissible emissions that comply with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

     In order to minimize harmful effects of mobile sources (vessels, vehicles) on the ambient air, the Murmansk Branch carries out the following activities:

     - during stay at berth vessels are connected to shore power supply;

     - all vehicles are regularly maintained by certified specialists;

     - certified fuel, that meets the environmental requirements and can reduce ingredient air, is used.


The FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch Harmful (Pollutant) Emissions Dynamics



     The volume of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmosphere increased in 2022 compared to previous periods due to the adjustment of inventory data for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and their sources, taking into account the increase in the number of vessels of the Murmansk Branch caused by the expansion of the branch’s economic activity.


     2. Water resources protection


     In the process of its economic activities, the Murmansk Branch uses water bodies located in the seaport of Murmansk water area for placing the Branch vessels.

     In accordance with the requirements of the water legislation of the Russian Federation this type of water use does not require conclusion of water use contracts or decision on provision of water bodies for use.

     Current use of water bodies by the Murmansk Branch is carried out in strict compliance with the environmental requirements, excluding the possibility of contamination of water objects surface by the Branch vessels.

     Within carrying out necessary activities for the protection of used water bodies in the Murmansk Branch, constant monitoring of compliance with the requirements for the protection of water bodies from contamination during operation of vessels of the Murmansk Branch is performed. All branch vessels are equipped with tanks for collection of household and food waste, tanks for storage of oily and domestic waters.

     Following results of 2022, no contamination of the water bodies used by the Murmansk Branch has been recorded.


     3. Land plots protection


     In order to prevent pollution, littering and fouling of territory, the Murmansk Branch carries out:

     - planned cleaning of territory from rubbish and waste;

     - maintenance of places of temporary storage in condition, that meets the requirements of environmental protection legislation of the Russian Federation;

     - timely removal of waste from the territory of the Murmansk Branch in accordance with the contracts concluded with specialized licensed organizations.

     Regarding the Branch immovable property facilities territories leased to third parties, the Murmansk Branch carries out systematic monitoring of the implementation by lessees of their obligations on prevention of littering or pollution of the used land plots.


     4. Waste disposal


     The Murmansk Branch keeps permanent record of volume of different types of waste generated in the process of current economic activities, monitors the places of their temporary storage, and frequency of their removal for reprocessing or recycling.

     The majority of production and consumption waste generated in the Murmansk Branch, are related to the III and IV classes of hazard. The proportion of waste of the I and II classes of hazard, such as waste fluorescent and mercury vapor lamps, batteries is 0.02 % of the total volume of waste of the branch.

     For disposal of waste generated in the process of current activities of the Murmansk Branch, corresponding agreements have been concluded with licensed organizations for the collection, neutralization and disposal of waste. Thus, class I and class II hazardous waste is transferred to the federal environmental operator for disposal, municipal solid waste - to the regional environmental operator for processing, neutralization and disposal, other waste (waste oils, cleaning material, pipeline and tank cleaning sludge, slag and dust from furnace installations, etc.) is transferred to specialized organizations for use as secondary resources in economic circulation, as well as for neutralization and disposal.

     Sewage and sanitary waters from vessels are transferred to licensed organizations that collect waste from vessels in the seaport of Murmansk for transportation and transfer to coastal treatment facilities.


The FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch Waste Generation Dynamics

     The volume of waste of the Murmansk Branch increased in 2022 due to the reconstruction project of Berth No. 2 in the seaport of Murmansk and the formation of significant volumes of construction waste, which are submitted for processing and disposal by a specialized licensed organization in accordance with the established procedure.


II. Environmental protection during construction and reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities


     One of the main activities of the Murmansk Branch is the implementation of federal investment programs, as well as capital investment programs of FSUE “Rosmorport”, aimed at the development of federal facilities of port infrastructure and fleet in the seaports of Dikson, Dudinka, Kandalaksha, Murmansk, Varandey, and Vitino.

     The Murmansk Branch has implemented several investment projects in that field within performance of construction customer functions.

     The project documentation for all facilities was developed in strict accordance with the standards and requirements of the Russian legislation in the field of environmental protection. Public hearings were held in accordance with the established procedure and positive conclusions of the State Expertise and State Ecological Expertise Committees were received.

     At present, the Murmansk Branch realizes the following projects on developing infrastructure in the seaport of Murmansk:

     - a reconstruction project of Berth No. 2 in the seaport of Murmansk. In compliance with the environmental legislation requirements project documentation and the impact assessment on the economic activities have been submitted for public hearings. Based on the results of the hearings (the protocol approved by the chairman of the municipal services committee of the Murmansk administration of February 25, 2013) no remarks have been given and no proposals have been put forward. Project documentation and the results of engineering surveys obtained positive findings by the expert commission of the State Environmental Appraisal of November 10, 2017. The positive findings have been approved by Rosprirodnadzor Order No. 577 of November 21, 2017. Subject to the normal due process project documentation and the results of engineering surveys obtained State Expertise Positive Findings No. 009-14/GGE-8923/04 of January 10, 2014 and Positive Findings No. 009-14/GGE-8923/047-01 of October 30, 2018 related to the cost estimate of the facility. The positive findings have been approved by FAI “Glavgosexpertiza Rossii”. Subject to the normal due process Rosmorrechflot has issued Construction Permit No. 51-RU51320000-ZD-39/8-2019 of April 26, 2019.
     Information on the implementation of the project is available in the section “Current Investment Projects”.

     - project for the construction of an automated radar post "Ura-guba". The developed design documentation and the assessment of the project’s environmental impact were in due course submitted to public hearings. Bases on the results of the public discussion (the protocol of the Administration of Vidyaevo village of April 19, 2021), the presented documents were approved. Following the requirements of the environmental legislation, the design documentation was submitted for consideration by the state environmental expertise. Being considered, it received a positive conclusion of the state environmental expertise of September 2, 2021, approved by the Rosprirodnadzor Order No. 1186/GEE of September 9, 2021. The design and estimate documentation and the results of engineering surveys, being submitted in the prescribed manner for consideration by the FAI “Glavgosexpertiza Rossii”, received a positive conclusion of the state expertise No. 51-1-1-3-086588-2021 of December 31, 2021 that was approved by the FAI “Glavgosexpertiza Rossii”. Based on the positive conclusions of state examinations, the Administration of Vidyaevo gave the enterprise a construction permit No. 51-RU51336000-1-2022 dated February 14, 2022.

     Information on the implementation of the project is available in the section “Current Investment Projects”.

    The following measures on environmental protection during construction and installation works within the construction of these facilities are carried out in the following areas:

     a) in the field of atmospheric air protection:

     - using technically sound equipment at the facility under construction;

     - using machines and equipment with internal combustion engines, located at the facility, only during the period of the relevant work, and stopping the engines for the period of downtime of machines and equipment;

     - banning burning of wood waste and other types of combustible construction waste;

     b) in the field of water bodies protection:

     - strict adherence to the technology of construction and installation works to avoid the discharge of pollutants into the Kola Bay;

     - collection of waste water during the construction into a storage tank and transferring it to a specialized organization;

     - equipping a site for temporary storage of construction waste with a waterproof coating;

     - organizing special pallets under stationary mechanisms (compressor room, etc.) to avoid the ingress of fuel and oils into the soil and water body;

     c) in the field of territories protection from pollution:

     - separate temporary storage of construction and household waste;

     - using containers for collecting garbage at the construction site, as well as portable toilets, which are serviced by a specialized organization;

     - controlling over the timely removal of waste by specialized vehicles on contractual terms and over the condition of construction waste storage sites;

     - organizing traffic and providing passages only within the boundaries of land allotment.


III. The Murmansk Branch expenses on environmental protection


     In 2022 the total expenses of the Murmansk Branch on the implementation of measures for environmental protection amounted to 7.3 million rubles, including payments for negative impact on the environment. 


 The FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch Expenses Dynamics



     The Branch's cost cutting on the environmental protection in 2022 are connected with the reduction of the Branch's costs for the collection, transportation, disposal and disposal of bilge water and oil sludge from the branch's vessels due to a decrease in their formation.


IV. Environmental activities prospects

     The Murmansk Branch plans to intensify its activities in the environmental field. The main objectives of the Branch in the field of environmental protection in the coming years will become:

  • implementation of activities on further reduction of negative impact on the environment, in the course of current economic activiies of the Branch;
  • improvement of environmental monitoring of environmental activities of the Branch;
  • introduction of modern energy and resource saving technologies, in particular by means of installation of heat metering units, cold water meters, switching to energy saving lamps in the buildings of the Branch, and automatic lighting control devices in the technical areas; 
  • improving of environmental management and industrial environmental control