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VTS Services

1. General information
2. Makhachkala VTS Area
3. Terms and conditions of navigation services with the use of Makhachkala VTS
4. Statistics
5. Contacts

     1. General information
Makhachkala VTS
     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch provides navigation services to vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) using Makhachkala VTS to vessels calling at Makhachkala seaport or transiting its waters.
Makhachkala VTS complies with all current requirements and operates in order to support the safety of navigation, the efficiency of sailing, protection of human life at sea and protection of marine environment and Caspian Sea coast at the waters of Makhachkala Seaport and its approaches.
     For small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, Makhachkala VTS provides assistance in navigation upon their request within its technical limits.

       The Makhachkala VTS serves to:
     - transmit navigation, operational and other information to vessels;
     - regulate of vessel traffic in accordance with daily vessel traffic plans approved by Makhachkala Seaport Master;
     - render assistance in navigation;
     - control movement of vessels.
     The Makhachkala VTS consists of:
     - Makhachkala VTS Control Center;
     - radio technical post.
     Upon the survey conducted in accordance with the Regulations on Approval of Types of Equipment and Survey of Facilities and Centers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 10.02.2010 No. 32, the Makhachkala Branch received Certificate of Conformity dated 26.12.2023 No. VTS-2/1-3316-2023 from Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transportation on compliance of the Makhachkala VTS secured to it to the technical and operational requirements of a second-category VTS approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Order dated 23.07.2015 No. 226

     Makhachkala VTS operates 24/7.
     VTS operator staff includes 10 people. All VTS operators of the Makhachkala Branch have undergone professional training, and they are qualified in accordance with Recommendations of IALA V-103/1.
     2. Makhachkala VTS Area
Makhachkala VTS coverage area
     In accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in Makhachkala Seaport approved by order of Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 361 dated 25.11.2013, the Makhachkala VTS area is limited by coastline and a radius of 15.1 sea miles going from 42°59,7' N 047°30,7' E (northern end of the eastern bulwark of the bulk cargo harbor).
     Within the Makhachkala VTS area stable UHF radio telephone communication with vessels and radar control are provided.
     The operational area of AIS coast stations fully covers the Makhachkala VTS area.
     3. Terms and conditions of navigation services with the use of Makhachkala VTS
Оператор СУДС порта Махачкала за работой     Navigation services with the use of Makhachkala VTS are provided to vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) by the Makhachkala Branch in accordance with IMO Resolution A.1158(32) requirements, Common Rules for Vessel Navigation and Mooring in the Seaports of the Russian Federation and Approaches to them approved by Ministry of Transport of Russia order No. 395 dated 12.11.2021 and Compulsory Regulations in Makhachkala Seaport approved by Ministry of Transport of Russia order No. 361 dated 25.11.2013.
     For small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, Makhachkala VTS provides assistance in navigation upon their request within its technical limits.  

     Irrespective of their departmental identity and forms of property all ships and vessels equipped with radio communication of the marine mobile service in the Makhachkala VTS coverage area must comply with the rules for vessel navigation in the Makhachkala VTS coverage area.

     A regulatory approval system of vessel movement is effective in the Makhachkala VTS coverage area. Vessels enter the Makhachkala VTS coverage area and leave it, approach toward to a pilot’s reception position or start moving in the zone upon receipt of a Makhachkala VTS operator’s permit.

     Captains of vessels entering the seaport of Makhachkala establish a connection with the Makhachkala VTS on VHF Channel and report the following information:

      - the name and type of a vessel;

      - nationality of a vessel (the flag);

      - the port of destination;

      - maximum load draught and air draught of a vessel;

      - cargo type and transportation of dangerous cargoes;

      - the failure of ships’ technical facilities and other restrictions having influence upon navigation safety;

     and get permission to start movement.

     Makhachkala VTS is entitled to ask for additional data and information in accordance with the General Rules for Vessel Navigation and Mooring in Russia’s Seaports and on the Approaches Toward Them.

     When a vessel enters the Makhachkala VTS coverage area, Makhachkala VTS identifies the vessel and points it at the route, the procedure for passing fairways and their crossings, an anchoring station and reports on a position of a pilot’s embarkation and the route situation, and transmits other information.

     A vessel that has entered the Makhachkala VTS coverage area must report on the pollution of the marine environment, the inconsistency in the operation or the position of aids to navigation, facilities or the phenomena that pose a threat to or hamper navigation. 

     After receiving information from the vessel that the mooring has started, Makhachkala VTS stops monitoring the vessel’s traffic. 

     Transmission of navigation, operational and other information is carried out by Makhachkala VTS at the request of the vessel or at the initiative of Makhachkala VTS in cases where changes in the navigation situation, other factors, which may affect the safety navigation in the Makhachkala VTS coverage area, are planned or are taking place. Transmission of critical information can be preceded by a general announcement.

     Navigation assistance is rendered by vessel request or by decision of Makhachkala VTS operator, particularly in strong weather conditions, and in case the devices necessary for safe navigation in particular situation are broken or absent at the vessel. Target tracking errors in Makhachkala seaport are the following:
     • bearings: ±0,6º;
     • distance: 30,0 metres;
     • course: ±2,0º;
     • speed: ±1,2 knots.
Оператор СУДС порта Махачкала

     The procedure for providing assistance in navigation, including the communications interval, is agreed by Makhachkala VTS and the vessel using communication means. The vessel is notified by Makhachkala VTS about the start and end of assistance in navigation, confirms the receipt of information and recommendations from Makhachkala VTS and informs Makhachkala VTS about the actions being taken.

     The way to control the vessel while following the recommendations and instructions of Makhachkala VTS is chosen by the captain of the vessel. If the captain finds it impossible to comply with Makhachkala VTS instructions, he must report to the operator of Makhachkala VTS using the means of communication and inform him about his further actions and intentions. 

     Vessel traffic in the Makhachkala Seaport waters is controlled by Makhachkala VTS. Navigation control is performed by transmitting recommendations to vessel regarding:
     - priority and time to start movement;
     - route, interval and speed, in particular direction of vessel movement in the Bulk Cargo Harbor and Oil Harbor of Makhachkala Seaport;
     - order of vessels passing fairways and their intersections;
     - prohibition for further movement;
     - anchoring places and harbours;
     - actions to prevent existing danger.
     A vessel that has anchored, started or completed mooring to a berth in the seaport of Makhachkala, started moving after unmooring or leaving the berth, should inform Makhachkala VTS about it.

     Permission to move when unmooring or leaving the berth should be requested by the vessel from Makhachkala VTS no less than 10 minutes before the start of movement.

     Communication between the Makhachkala VTS and vessels in Makhachkala Seaport is mainly performed by radio and telephone within the MMS VHF range.
     Makhachkala VTS can be reached at VHF Ch. 14, call sign “VTS Makhachkala”.  
     When under way in Makhachkala VTS Area vessels shall keep watch on VHF Ch. 14.
     A vessel leaving Makhachkala VTS coverage area must inform Makhachkala VTS and request permission to end the radio watch on VHF working channel 14, call sign “VTS Makhachkala”.

     VHF radio communication channels and radio telephone call signs for navigation safety in Makhachkala VTS 
Service Name VHF Channels Call sign Telephone
watch channel work
Makhachkala VTS of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch 16 14 VTS Makhachkala +7 (8722) 69-80-10 (24/7)
Makhachkala Seaport Master 16 5 Makhachkala Radio 5 +7 (8722) 65-09-63
State Port Control Inspection of the Administration of Caspian Seaports in Makhachkala Seaport 16 5 Makhachkala Portcontrol +7 (8722) 51-56-61 (24/7)
Man on duty at office of Senior Maritime Chief of Makhachkala Base Point of the Caspian Fleet 16 16 Quarta-06 +7 (872) 465-11-80
     Radio communication in seaport not connected to navigation safety at VHF Ch. 5, 14 and 16 is not permitted.
     Communication between Makhachkala VTS and vessels is performed in accordance with the Rules for Radio Communication of Maritime Mobile Service and Maritime Satellite Mobile Service of the Russian Federation approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia by order No. 137 dated 04.11.2000. Radio and telephone communication with vessels is performed with the use of IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases approved by IMO Resolution А.918(22). Transmission of reports from vessels to Makhachkala VTS and the format of reports shall, if possible, comply with IMO Resolution А.851(20) General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements.
     Navigation dues are charged for the services with the use of Makhachkala VTS. Rates of navigation dues and charging procedures are described in the section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Makhachkala Branch”.
     4. Statistics
     Information on the number of vessels in the Makhachkala VTS Area
Year Number of vessels under way in Makhachkala VTS area Including vessels making port calls to Makhachkala Seaport
2013-2019 ⇲
2,809 613
2014 3,796 844
2015 8,953 1,829
2016 9,636 1,987
2017 8,503
2018 10,395
2019 13,149
2020 13,571  3,398
2021 10,600 5,472
2022 9,393 5,168
2023 9,995 4,410
     5. Contacts
     For additional information on the terms and conditions of navigation services rendered by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch with the use of the Makhachkala VTS, please call:
     +7 (8722) 51-80-34 (available 24/7),
     or send a request by fax: +7 (8722) 51-80-36, or e-mail: